Perl Weekly
Issue #175 - 2014-12-01 - Advent is here again!
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
First of all, let me apologize to those who are reading the text version of the newsletter. Due to a bug and my impatience, last the newsletter was missing the text version. Sorry for that.
Advent is here! While you might not celebrate the Christian Advent, it became a tradition in the Perl community to create Advent calendars. This means 24 articles in 24 days. We won't be able to cover all the articles published in the Advent calendars, but you can see a list of them in the Advent section. You can also follow the one maintained by Len Jaffe who has been collecting the various Advent calendars for years. Which brings me to another point. All of these calendars are written by volunteer contributors. Not necessarily core developers. You could also contribute an article!
Gabor Szabo
I'm a Perl programmer and open-source developer who also specialises in Perl recruitment in Europe. If you want to know if you're being paid enough, want some help with your CV, or just want to talk to a recruiter who knows the difference between 'local' and 'my', say hello at:
We are a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We are looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service.
Advent Calendars
by Len Jaffe (LENJAFFE)
Len Jaffe maintains and Advent calendar collecting the links to other advent calendars.
by Moritz Lenz (MORITZ)
The first episode of the Perl 6 Advent calendar tells us that in 2014 MoarVM became the de facto standard backend of Rakudo and points us at a few more items in the expanding Perl 6 world.
After skipping a year, the Dancer developers have started publish the Advent calendar for 2014. Let's see if they bring in enough contributors.
Finally, if you are really serious, you could also follow the Advent Calendar of the Seoul Perl Mongers. In Korean.
Perl Maven Pro
The Perl Maven Pro subscribers receive two new articles and screencasts every week. The last week these were the two screencasts:
Passing values the the process method of Template::toolkit
Passing parameters to the template() function. Conditionals in Template::Toolkit.
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Sinan Unur keeps bumping into test failures while using perl 5.20.1 compiled with Visual Studio 2013 CE. I wonder if he is also sending bug-reports or even patches to fix these issues, or is he trying to get people understand the problems and fix them by themselves? Have you sent any patches (or pull requests) recently?
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
This time the directory separators were returned incorrectly on Windows.
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
The idea behind this project is to encourage you to contribute to an open source project every day. Even if each contribution is small, this can get you in the practice of contributing.
by Nikos Vaggalis
Nikos Vaggalis looked at Mojolicious' history: why Sebastian left Catalyst for Mojolicious, present: what does the framework actually do, the project's future: Sebastian's long-term plans.
by Masahiro Nagano (KAZEBURO)
Slides introducing Gazelle a web server for PSGI based we applications. In some cases as much as 3 times faster than Starman(!)
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
If the 24 pull requests in December challenge seems like to dense for you, this one can work. Neil promises to send you a CPAN module every month and you are expected to send a pull-request fixing some issue in that module. One every month in 2015.
Best Practical has release a new bugfix version of Request Tracker.
Not just Perl
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
An overview of what you need to do if you'd like to get your program to provide tab completition in various Unix/Linux shells.
Perl 6
by Carl Mäsak
Embedding SQL in Perl 6 which is embedded in HTML which is embedded in Perl 6... It's just turtles all the way down. And interesting, or maybe horrific example of how slangs (dialects ?) can be embedded into each other with Perl 6.
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorials
It might be obvious to many long-time Perl developer that 'length @array' does not return the number of elements in an array, but what doses it do? And how to get the length of an array?
In many applications either load time or memory usage is important. This articles shows the technique with 3 modules used for Object Oriented programming in Perl.
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