Perl Weekly
Issue #313 - 2017-07-24 - 1000 days of CPAN releases.
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
Mohammad Anwar has done at least one CPAN release per day for the last 1000 days,
adopting a bunch of CPAN distributions along the way.
His passion for help CPAN and CPAN authors, is admirable!
Check out the list of talks for TPC::EU,
which has now been finalised. And if you're going to TPC::EU, you could help out the EPO,
if you're going to be there the day before the conference proper starts.
Neil Bowers
Hacking with Perl
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave needs images of traffic lights, for some secret squirrel project he's working on. He ended up creating SVG::TrafficLight, which makes it easy to draw SVG traffic lights.
by Steve Bertrand
Steve shows how to talk to an Arduino from Perl, over the I2C bus.
by Mohammad Sajid Anwar (MANWAR)
On Sunday 23rd July, Mohammad did a release to CPAN, making it the 1000th consecutive day that he'd done a CPAN release on. That's nearly 3 years (1095 days). In that time he's released a lot of his own modules, but has also got co-maint on a lot of others, and adopted some of those.
Perl 5
by Steve Bertrand
A new version of berrybrew has been released. This lets you have multiple versions of Perl installed on a Windows machine, and switch between them as your default Perl.
Perl 6
by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)
The weekly roundup of Perl 6 news, which headlines with the news that Zoffix has stepped down as release manager, with Alex Daniel taking up the baton.
Perl Conferences
It's not long to the Swiss Perl Workshop (25th and 26th August), and this is your last chance to submit a talk proposal.
by Mark Keating
On Tuesday 8th August, the day before TPC::EU starts, there is going to be a hackathon in Amsterdam, to work on the EPO web sites. If you're going to be there for the conference, why not volunteer to help out.
Not Perl
by Benjamin Nickolls
An article about, a service that has data on language libraries, including CPAN and those from 32 other package managers. The data from this service is now available.
This is a friendly, dynamic team based in Canary Wharf and for the first time the company is offering visa sponsorship for the right candidate. If you’ve got experience with Modern Perl this could be your opportunity to make the move to sunny London.
Ever find yourself wishing you could see meaningful impact on users from your work? Trapped in a company with long release cycles and dubious release dates? Wish your ideas for product improvement didn’t keep disappearing in to the Project Manager’s backlog?
Do you know how to solve problems in terms of queues and caches? Does the idea of truly scaling your architecture on AWS excite you? Not fazed by designing your workloads to be distributed?
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