Issue #57 - 2012-08-27 - New design for the Perl Mongers

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Hi there!

YAPC::EU is over. You will find several reports from participants of the event. There are also a few more articles about the Perl Reunification Summit that took place the weekend before YAPC. According to my calendar, there are going to be two Perl events in September and two in October. See if you can attend either of those!

The school-year is starting in the northern hemisphere. Please be careful when driving near schools!

Gabor Szabo


Perl Mongers

The central web site of the Perl Mongers got updated with a new design of Leo Lapworth (Ranguard). Nice work! I hope this will also help to encourage the local Perl Monger groups to update their own web site.


One tidier to rule them all

Apparently it is not entirely new, but I have not seen it announced earlier. The idea is to have a single interface and single configuration file to tidy perl, pod, html, JavaScript, CSS, etc...


Building C and C++ libraries with Perl

by Alberto Simões (AMBS)

I am not sure why the harsh words - people can make mistakes - but the linked article is useful.

Precedence parsing made simpler

by Jeffrey Kegler (JKEGL)

Jeffrey Kegler explains how Marpa parses arbitrary BNF which was not the case with traditional parsers.

Forgive me, for I have sinned

by Neil Bowers (NEILB)

While working on his review of modules for getting dependency information, Neil Bowers could not find any that was working the way he wanted. So he uploaded a new one. Now he has a lot more modules to review...


WRE 0.9.4 released

This is the newest release of the WebGUI Runtime Environment that contains Apache, MySQL, perl, ImageMagick and a bunch of CPAN modules. There was also a separate release announcement of WebGUI 7.10.26

UsePerl and Other Stories

by Barbie (BARBIE) was the old Perl blogging engine till it got shut down a few years ago. Barbie created a module that would be able to parse the old articles.

Sqitch: Depend On It!

v0.90 and subsequently v0.902 was released handling cross-project dependencies.


Remember to store errors!

A nice example how adding code without understanding what the original did, and without proper testing can lead to lots of wasted hours (read loss of money) and probably loss of information too.


Moose Role Usage Patterns

This talk was given at YAPC::EU by Shawn M. Moore (sartak). I attended it along with a lot more people than could fit in the room. The slides include some explanation at the bottom.

Slides for my YAPC::Europe 2012 Keynote

by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)

From Ovid who wants you to understand what Agile means. Also known as POP: People - Organization - Process.


So, Kiev 2013

by Andrew Shitov (ANDY)

Andrew Shitov is discussing some of the plans for next years YAPC::EU in Kiev.


How to remove, copy or rename a file with Perl

A simple entry on the Perl 5 Maven site.

Perl 6

How to install Perl 6 modules

This is a short article introducing the module system of Perl 6 and installation with Panda.


Oslo Perl Mongers Rock

The main thing is that they organized Perl training classes with Damian and part of the income went to the group. They could use that money to organize hackathons and even to donate to TPF. I can just recommend to follow the idea and organize training classes. - For example if you are interested in running a 'test automation using Perl' training class, you know where to find me :)


Going to Perl School

Do you feel that Perl is a bit complex for you? Maybe some constructs don't make a lot of sense? As the example of Lesley shows, a little human explanation can go a long way in understanding the details. I personally see this over and over again in my classes too. People with many years of Perl experience, but lack of deep understanding, come in the class and then leave already understanding a lot more of the language.

Weekly collections

Perl 5 Porters Weekly: August 13-August 19, 2012

A quote quoted: >>One day we shall be able to boast that 'Perl 5 has *dropped* support for more platforms than your language has ever *had*'<<

YAPC::EU and Perl Reunification Summit reports

A collection of reports from the European YAPC. Some people write daily reports, I think I'll include only one for each author.


About both YAPC and PRS by James Mastros (theorbtwo)

YAPC::EU 2012 - hot like hell

by Sebastian Willing (SEWI)

by Sebastian Willing

YAPC::Europe Day 1

by Leon Brocard (Acme)

My (photographic) impressions of YAPC::Europe 2012

Claudi Ramirez (El-Che) like to take pictures.

Miss me?

There is not a lot of YAPC in the post of Dominic Humphries, but it is funny.

Things I learned at YAPC::Europe 2012

by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)

A bunch of things Thomas Klausner (domm) learned at YAPC.

YAPC::EU::2012, what I missed

by Alberto Simões (AMBS)

Alberto Simoes seemed to have a bad day. Or three.


by Herbert Breunung (LICHTKIND)

Herbert Brennung (lichtkind)

Perl Reunification Summit (PRS)

This was a 3-day even between 16-19 August 2012 in Perl, Germany (near Schengen). The reports will be included here.

PRS2012 - Perl5-Perl6 Reunification Summit

by Mark Keating

A detailed report full of pictures by Mark Keating.


I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.

New TPF Conferences Chair

Heath Bair is the new Conferences Committee Chair.

YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012

September 27-29, 2012, Tokyo, Japan

Portuguese Perl workshop (PTPW)

September 28, 2012, Braga, Portugal

Italian Perl workshop (IPW)

October 11-12, 2012, Bologna, Italy

Nordic Perl workshop (NPW)

October 13-14, 2012, Stockholm, Sweden

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