2020.09.25 in #479OO linked lists in Perl
After many days, trying to implement linked lists by nested hash (link to Rosetta Code) (link to my code) or Struct::Dumb, I get how to write the (singly) linked list in object-oriented style by Perl. One with bless, another one with Moose. Keep the learning record here.
2022.03.19 in #556CY's Take on The Weekly Challenge #156
Cheok-Yin is a very brave contributor in my humble opinion. I liked the way she goes beyond the task and present her solution. Kudos to your effort.
2022.04.10 in #559CY's Take on The Weekly Challenge #159
Cheok-Yin doesn't blog regularly but every time she does, we get a treat. I really enjoy behind the scene story. Keep it up great work.
2022.06.18 in #569Number Theoretic Quiz
Cheok-Yin blog is not just about the solutions to the weekly challenge but you get a lot more about the workings. Keep it up great work.
2022.08.07 in #576Magic of 142857
Congratulation on your first Raku contribution. Hope to see more in coming weeks. Keep it up great work.
2022.10.16 in #586No Lost in Transliteration?
Welcome back to blogging and thanks for the nice introduction of CPAN module charnames.
2023.03.31 in #610Graph - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
Continued with the weekly travelling, here we got another brilliant piece of work. Highly recommended.
2023.04.07 in #611Web::Scraper - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
As its name say, it is for scraping the web. Most recent release almost 10 years ago, but apparently still working well.
2023.12.06 in #646Uniquenes
Graphical representation to present the internals. Kudo for your effort and well done.
2024.08.10 in #681Where is the chess piece going to?
Cool breakdown of Knight's move and working of each part. It makes reading easy and also to follow the algorithm. Well done and keep it up.