2011.09.09 in #9Mocking LWP::UserAgent
Mike Doherty writes about mocking web access using LWP::UserAgent so you won't depend on the current availability of the Internet for your tests.
2012.04.15 in #38A pastebin with almost no user interface
Mike Doherty wrote WWW::Hashbang::Pastebin, a simple pastebin written in Dancer. I guess it could be nice to set it up within a company and start using it for showing code examples via the network.
2012.04.18 in #39SSL security in HTTP::Tiny
Mike Doherty is asking a dangerous question. Why is there no SSL support in core perl? Till that happens he offers an explanation on how to use SSL with HTTP::Tiny and how to even validate the SSL certificate.
2012.06.04 in #46New and Improved: Here Comes the Flood
Yanick made some improvements and released a few new modules: Reducing start time from 60 to 2 secs using Git::CPAN::Patch (with Mike Doherty). Keeping the pizza with Email::Simple::Markdown. CPAN::Changes can now guess how did you write cHanGes. Use Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ChangeStats::Git in case you don't have enough staistics in your life yet. GitStore. Perl::Achievements with Daniel Bruder. Two extra *::YANICK modules.
2012.11.08 in #68Automating server build-out with Module::Build
While every company I've seen has its own special way of handling components of applications, I think they are also very similar. That's why I think the explanation of Mike Doherty (Hashbang) who works at Pythian, can be interesting for others as well. Hopefully reading this will save you some time down the road.
2013.01 in #80Planning a Content-Security-Policy with Dancer
Mike Doherty cares about security. He has a look at the Content Security Policy proposed by Mozilla, and shows how to write a simple CSP violation tracker using Dancer.
2013.06.17 in #100Server-side security war games: Part 0
Mike Doherty has a series of articles that can help you think on how to secure your web site. This is the link to the first article, you'll will have to browse around a bit to find the rest but they can be useful, even if not Perl specific. In the latest one you could learn how to log in to a web application without providing a password.
2013.08.12 in #108Introducing Hack::Natas
If you enjoyed the hacking series of Mike Doherty, now you can follow his footsteps using his new module on CPAN.
2014.04.08 in #142Recovering from Heartbleed
Mike Doherty (doherty) explains the recovery process and includes a link to the perl script of Steffen Ullrich for checking for the SSL Heartbleed vulnerability.