2023.01.17 in #600Util::H2O and More, during Ordinary Times
Nice to see, Perl Advent Calendar post is still being discussed today. We should all share the work done by the Perl community with the rest of the world.
2023.09.02 in #632I just discovered Dev.to
In the Perl weekly we have mentioned DEV.to a number of times and others, such as Dave Cross also recommended using it. Sometime I wonder if people who post on blogs.perl.org even read the Perl Weekly.
2023.09.15 in #634CGI::Tiny & Dispatch::Fu - nearly a perfect match
CGI::Tiny is a very nice, Perlish way to construct CGI scripts these days. It is perfectly suited as a replacement to CGI.pm and is quite at home in a shared hosting environment.
2023.10.27 in #6402024 Perl Conference - Science Track Interest Survey
There is a strong official consideration by The Perl and Raku Foundation of including a new kind of track to the 2024 Perl and Raku Conference in Las Vegas.
2024.03.28 in #662TPRC/Science Track Submission Dates and Deadlines Coming Fast!
Talk submissions are still open, and we are seeking proposals on a wide variety of subjects. This includes language features, personal projects, applications like Koha, and anything that may be of general interest to Perl and Raku programmers.
2024.04.11 in #6642024 TPRC Submission Date Extended thru April 20th
The deadline for talk and paper submissions to the 2024 TPRC has been officially extended through April 20th for both the regular Perl and Raku tracks; and also the Science Track.