2015.01.02 in #180Act Voyager ---- long story
Theo van Hoesel reports on his progress with the Act grant. Act is the application that handles the user accounts of most of the Perl-related conferences, workshops, and hackathons.
2015.04 in #193April 1 - Act
Act is the web application used to manage most of the Perl conference, workshops, and even the Hackathons. Theo reports about the TPF grant he received to modernize the application.
2015.06.04 in #202Act Voyager Report
An update from Theo on his ACT grant, and also on his new job in London!
2015.07.09 in #207YAPC-NA & Act-Voyager
An update from Theo on his Act work, and his time at YAPC::NA.
2015.11.02 in #224Act Voyager Progress as of November 1st
Improving the web application that handles the Perl conferences and workshop. Pondering on which web framework to use. Which web frameworks are RFC compliant?