Perl Weekly
Issue #101 - 2013-07-01 - Evolution is a Slow Process (Mostly In Summer)
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
As most of us enter the Summer season, online activities grow a little more quiet. Which is not to say that there are not some strong current under those seemingly quiet waters: amongst other things, Stratopan continues to grow, the Perl5 MOP project is coming back from the dead, and promising new frameworks are showing up on the radar. ~Yanick
Yanick Champoux
We're a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We're looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service. Email resume:
by Jeffrey Thalhammer (THALJEF)
Sometimes, you'd like to use the tools, but you don't have time to learn their intricacies. In those times, who better to call than the toolmasters themselves? Jeffrey Thalhammer announces the creation of Stratopan's consulting services.
by Jeffrey Thalhammer (THALJEF)
One typical tenet of academic projects is that they must be easy to reproduce. And managing and recreating specific environments is the thing Pinto and Stratopan do very well. Jeffrey Thalhammer walks us through this perhaps non-obvious use-case of his tools.
News of its demise were perhaps premature. Revitalized by conference pilgrimages and the associated talks and discussions, Stevan Little is returning to the previously stalled p5-mop. Friends of all things OO, dare to hope...
Only a day after the p5-mop was reported twitching its way out of its early grave, Stevan Little already brings news of progress. Huzzah!
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
The Toronto Perl Mongers, Olaf Alders reports, tried something new for their meetings: they are using a Google Hangout to let remote persons virtually assist to the event.
by Breno de Oliveira (GARU)
Garu shares his experience at YAPC::NA this year, capturing pretty well the joyful, effervescent maelstromish atmosphere of the conference.
by Aristotle Pagaltzis (ARISTOTLE)
Aristotle muses on the chains of backward compatibility. Are they preventing us to reach for the stars, or are they something necessary to keep us grounded? Between staleness and revolution, can we find the right evolutive balance?
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
Ricardo Signes is having loads of fun with StatsD. He also had a pretty puzzling problem with mangled UDP streams. After some troubleshooting, he found the culprit, and shares his findings with us.
by Vyacheslav Matyukhin
Vyacheslav Matyukhin shares with us Flux, a promising framework that turns code into a series of tubes.
Sebastian shares his one-liner to pretty-print JSON documents (while other command-line tools get suggested as well in the comment section).
Weekly Collections
Perl Maven Tutorial
Including ways to keep your multi-line string indented in the code, but remove the leading white-spaces after the assignment.
Both on Linux and, thanks to Darin McBride, now on Windows as well
I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.
August 10, 2013, Beijing, China
August 12-14, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine
September 19-21, 2013, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Tokyo, Japan
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