Perl Weekly
Issue #103 - 2013-07-15 - How to make a viral video?
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
there are quite a few very interesting articles and announcements this week. So I think I'll just let you go ahead and check them out:
Gabor Szabo
We're a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We're looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service. Email resume:
by Toby Inkster (TOBYINK)
Have you ever dealt with data structures that were too large to fit in your screen? Or do you have 1024 inch screen? Toby Inkster created a module that you can use as a simple replacement of Data::Dumper inside your code, and that will open a window, a real desktop GUI window(!) where you can drill down in your data structure. After installing the module you could already try it with this statement as well: perl -MData::Dumper::GUI -e 'Dumper {%INC}' to see which modules are loaded by perl and by Data::Dumper::GUI together.
by Alexey Melezhik (MELEZHIK)
I am not entirely sure I like that instead of adding a feature to an existing project, people create a new tool because one feature was missing. OTOH, I love the fact that people are creating solutions to problems, so let's see what Alexey Melezhik builds.
by Sebastian Willing (SEWI)
Gearman manages your computational tasks and hands them out to available workers. It can do it in a fault tolerant way. Sebastian Willing is showing us how to retry failed jobs.
by Mike Friedman
Mike Friedman provides a detailed explanation to the phenomenon. I think one of the commenters put it quite right, that basically lists are 'array literals'. There are of course differences, just as there are differences between $x and a string 'abcd' you could put in that scalar variable. (OK, between lists and arrays there might be a few more edge cases.)
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
The grep test basically means that you should be able to grep for any meaningful string in your code base to find out the usage of those keywords. This sounds like a very reasonable approach and a good way to explain it, but what would you do if you had a piece of code where you get the name of a method passed to you and you call that method using the variable name? How can the name of that method grepped?
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
Olaf Alders, the leader of the Meta::CPAN projects asks your input on how the URLs on should look like. As this is one of the most important web sites for any Perl user, you should probably take a look at the issue. In a nutshell, what should be the fixed URL of a script supplied in a CPAN package?
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
Chad Granum has released the second version of his test module. It is a testing framework built on top of Test::More and Test::Builder so it is familiar to you. It looks like something I should try.
There was an outage on the CPAN Testers system. It has been already fixed but reports are going to be delayed for a few days.
by Peter Rabbitson (RIBASUSHI)
Ribasushi (aka. Peter Rabbitson) the leader of the DBIx::Class project provides a rare glimpse into the world of open source project management. The frustration, the doubt and and the hope. As it turns out, it is not just code. There are real people behind theses things.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
A couple of days ago I saw one of the bloggers complaining about the above. I could not stop myself from writing this.
Future Perl
by Reini Urban (RURBAN)
p2 or p11 is one of the efforts, primarily of Reini Urban, to create a Virtual Machine that can run both Perl 5 and Perl 6. His current plan is to be able to parse 50% of the Perl 5 syntax by the end of the summer. (He lives in a place where the summer is long.)
MOP is the meta-object protocol behind Moose. p5-MOP is the renewed(!) effort of Stevan Little, the author of Moose, to integrate MOP into the core of perl. In the last couple of weeks he made a lot of progress that you can see in his articles.
Another article by Stevan Little about the p5-MOP progress. If you'd like to get involved, you need to do it quickly! Before he finishes the whole implementation.
by Breno de Oliveira (GARU)
Not only has Garu (aka. Breno G. de Oliveira) learnt programming in Scala, he also went all the way and prepared a Scala tutorial especially for people with Perl 5 programming background. Oh, and if you'd like to know why to learn Scala: if for nothing else, to be able to contribute to the Moe project. If that isn't interesting to you, then consider the fact that learning foreign languages improves the way you express yourself in your own language.
I loved it! (...and it is only 2:30 min long.)
This is a new project announced by Filip Sergot and written in Perl 6.
by JT Smith (RIZEN)
Ovid interviewed JT Smith, creator of the Lacuna Expanse and a few other Perl-based businesses. The written interview covers both the architecture of web-based application, and answers the question 'Why did they use Perl?'
by Yuki Kimoto (KIMOTO)
Yuki Kimoto, a Japanese Perl programmer who created GitPrep (an open source Github clone) now collects a few items showing how to build an application using Mojolicious.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
Generators, the things that use the yield function, are quite interesting in Python. They might not be the easiest things to wrap your head around, but when you do, they can help you clean up some code. Joel Berger has implemented a module called Generator::Object that can provide you with similar functionality.
A short note from JT about why building an API is also good for marketing.
Some articles, especially relevant to CPAN authors, or people who would like to contribute to a CPAN module.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Every module on CPAN can have a single line 'abstract' that shows up in many places. This is the 'elevator pitch' of the module. The single line most people will see before they decide to further investigate your module or skip it. So Neil Bowers explains how you can make it better so the biggest number of people can benefit from your work. (Or easily decide that this is not what they need.)
Each package on CPAN comes with one or two META files. Among the many fields they can include the license of the code and a link to the source code repository. In this article I checked again what percentage of recently uploaded CPAN modules have this information. The situation improved from half a year ago, but we still have a long way to go.
Perl 6
by Jonathan Worthington (JONATHAN)
So how does the JVM back-end and the new MoarVM back-end relate to each other, and why did they keep the development of MoarVM secret? How will Perl 5 inter-operate with Perl 6 on top of the MoarVM?
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorial
How to print to the standard error (STDERR), and how to use the warn() function.
What do you think are bare here-documents? I am still not sure, but apparently there are bare ones and barer ones. The latter is gone from perl while the former stays. In the original version of this post I explained how to track down the bare here-documents, but after some detective work done by others, I had to updated the article. So now it contains both the bare and the barer ones.
I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.
July 26-28, 2013, Paris, France
August 10, 2013, Beijing, China
August 12-14, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine
September 19-21, 2013, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Tokyo, Japan
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