Issue #107 - 2013-08-12 - Welcome to YAPC::EU

latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
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YAPC::EU starts today. I am not there, but I hope we'll get some reports and recorded talks soon.

In the meantime, there are a few articles for you to read and an interview with Larry Wall, that you can watch. I recommend it!

Gabor Szabo


We're Hiring Telecommuters - Grant Street Group

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We are looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service.

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CPAN adoption candidates v3

by Neil Bowers (NEILB)

Neil Bowers released a new scoring method and a new list of top 1000 CPAN distributions that might need adoption.

install fatpacked carton in vendor/bin

by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (MIYAGAWA)

Meta fatpacking by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa


Do your piece to fix TIOBE or stop talking about it

by Christian Walde (MITHALDU)

TIOBE ranks programming languages. While many people shown that TIOBE has its flaws, most people only want an easy answer and thus look at TIOBE for an answer. Mithaldu (aka. Christian Walde) has a long fight improving the position of Perl. The simple point is that it would be probably hard to get TIOBE fixed and we - people writing about Perl - are misleading the way it creates its ranking. (You can see some numbers in the post and in the comment section.) So the suggestion is to use the expression 'Perl Programming' in places where you'd normally just write Perl. You might think 'why should we play according to their rules?', but isn't that what we do when we provide solutions in broken environments, using outdated software? Isn't that part of what we, Perl programmers, excel? Mithaldu included some simple instructions for what you could do, even if you don't have a web site.


A Simple (Minded?) Windows sudo Substitute for Cygwin in Perl

by Mark Leighton Fisher

How can you run something on the command line 'as administrator' on a Windows machine? Mark Leighton Fisher has an almost one-liner in Perl.

Column Oriented Databases

by JT Smith (RIZEN)

I've heard about SQL and NoSQL but I think this is the first time I hear the expression 'Column Oriented Databases'. JT Smith writes that these are good for data warehousing or catalog app.

Event Announcements

Come see me at YAPC::Brazil!

by Joel Berger (JBERGER)

Joel Berger was asked to give the keynote at YAPC::Brazil and he now invites all of you to attend the conference.


Stratopan Is Hiring!

Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer is looking for someone with design talent to polish the site before going into beta later this month. (It is interesting for me too as I'd also like to have a nice design for the Perl Maven site.)

WWW::betfair - a Perl API for the World's largest betting exchange

I am not sure I like the whole idea of betting on sports games of others, but I hear there is a lot of money in that field. So you might be able to make a few million dollars offering such a service, and then you can donate part of that money to the development of Perl or of CPAN modules. I bet that would be cool.

Acme Envy

Do you like to use the latest version of Perl, Python or Ruby? Apparently you share this problem with oylenshpeegul (aka. Tim Heaney). He used to use perlbrew, pythonbrew, and rvm for this, but now he found rbenv, plenv and pyenv. But he still needs to handle 3 different tools for 3 different languages. That's where acmenv comes in to play. I wonder in which languages it is going to be written?


Perl Catalyst - better built in Content Negotiation and support for more Content Types

by John Napiorkowski (JJNAPIORK)

John Napiorkowski is thinking about the next milestone of Catalyst.



by Brian Medley (BPMEDLEY)

Brian Medley set up a new site as a new start-up company to find bargains near your current location. It uses Mojolicious, PostgreSQL, jQuery Mobile, and a couple of other technologies. I think it is currently only relevant to the USA, but I wish good luck to Brian!


Interview with Larry Wall

by Larry Wall

by Jonathan Schiefer


Marking modules as 'available for adoption'

by Neil Bowers (NEILB)

It is very easy to upload new modules to CPAN and it is not too difficult to take over maintainership of a module, but this usually only happens after a long period of inactivity on that module. How can a module author indicate that she is no longer interested in the maintenance of the module and that she is looking for someone to step in? While there is no special mechanism for this, Neil Bowers explains what is the accepted way to mark a module to be looking for a new maintainer.

Colours within screens within screens

Do you use 'screen' for your command line work? I have it running on each one of my servers, but I thought I should have a central one that is already logged in to all the other machines. Dominic Humphries explains how he does that and how he even keeps the colors.

Weekly collections

Perl Maven Tutorial

What is Unicode

This is a guest post written by Meir Guttman providing a relatively short overview of what is Unicode. This article does not cover Perl yet, it is a generic introduction.


I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.

YAPC::Asia Tokyo

September 19-21, 2013, Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Tokyo, Japan

October 4-5, 2013, Paris, France

The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop

October 4-6, 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

YAPC::Brazil 2013

November 15-16, 2013, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

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