Perl Weekly
Issue #129 - 2014-01-13 - PAUSE Stopped, Now Plays Again
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
The big excitement of the week undubitably has been the Perl NOC suffering the failure of several hard drives, which resulted in the PAUSE server going down and brought the upload of new modules to a dead stop. Thanks to the brave souls behind those services, everything is already back in business, and the stream of new modules and releases is flowing once more. NOC heroes who made this speedy recovery possible, we salute you. ~ `/anick
Yanick Champoux
The work is across application, web-based & intranet development & your skills in OSS development are reqd. It is crucial you have used Perl, Moose, DBI::x, OO Perl, XML and have exp. with SQL, Linux and Revision control. You will have used HTML, CSS on a daily basis along with Internet protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, DNS, Whois, EPP)
We're a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We're looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service. Please apply online.
A new year, a new perl. A new release of Perl is out, focusing on bug fixes.
by David Golden (DAGOLDEN)
The future needs you. IO:Socket::IP is planned to be added to Perl 5.20, and thus bring IPv6 support to core perl. But before this happens, the new code has to be thoroughly tested. This is where you, if you accept your mission, will fit in.
by Buddy Burden (BAREFOOT)
Just like English, Perl borrows liberally from other languages, is full of what seems to be redundancy, and have quite its fair share of quirks. Coincidence? No, not really. Buddy Burden dives deep into Perl's linguistic heritage.
Contexts in Perl. They sure can be tricky. Nate Glenn tackles here the joys and gotchas of list assignments in scalar context.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
It's a harsh reality, but it stands to reason: for your project to get contributions, you have to reduce the hoops the wannabe contributors has to jump through to as close as zero as possible. That can mean, amongst other things and for better or worse, having your project using the VCS and/or hosting site that is the de-facto standard in your community. Ovid explains how, in his case, that made the difference between investing time into pushing a patch, or not.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
A new version of Ovid's Test::Class::Moose is out. Parallel testing is now supported, along some other nice goodies.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
So you have this Perl program that you want to use as a stand-alone application. No libraries to install, just a vanilla perl on the target machine, your file, and that's it. David Farrell shows you how that's possible to do using App::FatPacker.
by Reini Urban (RURBAN)
Reini Urban discusses the deep, gory parts of the B::C perl compiler in conjuncture with the new 'rperl' project.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
Sharing is caring (about your memory footprint and the ones of your forked children). Ricardo Signes cares, and here shares his tricks to ensure the maximal amount of memory is shared between a daemon and its children.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
DateTime isn't the only kid on the block when it comes to temporal needs. There is also the friendlier Time::Piece which, David Farrell argues, might fit most of your needs.
by Mark Dominus (MJD)
Some epic projects also bring fortuitous collateral goodies. The space race gave us disposable diapers, Moonpig, and a more rational interface to the powerful DateTime module. Mark J Dominus makes the case for it.
by Jeffrey Thalhammer (THALJEF)
If there's a thing the Perl ecosystem is good for, it's to reroute around the damage. Here, Jeffrey Thalhammer shows us how to tweak Pinto to use instead of if the latter ever goes down again.
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
The entry was modern, and this is its post-mortem. Yanick presents the program he submitted to the Dallas/Fort Worth Perl Mongers Winter Hackaton Challenge.
by Philippe Bruhat (BOOK)
Git::Repository is one of the many Perl interfaces to Git. At the core, it is meant to be simple and minimalist. Recently, it began to offer additional features via the use of plugins. This latest addition to the herd should be most pleasing to any DWIM partisan.
cpanfile is a straight-forward way to declare your project's dependencies. Did you know cpanminus supports it? If not, chromatic has some good news for you.
The contest is over, the entries has been run and their performances recorded. The results are now in.
The Houston Perl Mongers meeting of this month.
Brendan W. McAdams gives us an introduction to MongoDB, and how to use it via its Perl drivers.
Perl Maven Tutorials
Lambda is the word used in Python for creating anonymous functions. In Perl there is no need for a separate word for that.
Weekly collections
I usually list the next 3-4 events here. The list of all the events can be found on the web site. If your Perl event is not listed there, please let me know.
January 25th, 2014, Tampa, Florida, USA
March 26-28, 2014, Hannover, Germany
16-18 May, 2014 in Poznan, Poland
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