Perl Weekly
Issue #139 - 2014-03-24 - QA Hackathon is over - lots of reports
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
just enjoy the links and remember to share the articles you found interesting!
Gabor Szabo
QA Hackathon
by Philippe Bruhat (BOOK)
This is the summary of the summaries with quotes from all the other posts and links to them. I am impressed both by what they accomplished at the QA Hackathon and maybe even more, by the amount of reporting they provided.
The side of the organizers.
by Timm Murray (TMURRAY)
Timm Murray, a resident of the Wumpus Cave, explains what is a One Time Pad (OTP), how it is the perfect encryption system, and why we should never use it.
by Timm Murray (TMURRAY)
Timm Murray writes about DES, the old standard for encryption, 3DES and Rijndael, also known as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). The new standard that cannot be brute-forced.
So Perl is used in the industry... (shared by Tony D)
by Dave Mitchell
The grant report of Dave Mitchell.
If you enroll your Amazon account to Amazon Smile and select The Perl Foundation as the charitable organization, they will receive a donation of 0.5% of all qualifying purchases you make at - I don't know what kind of items are qualifying but remember, the official name of TPF is "Yet Another Society". That's what you need to select if you'd like to get the donations to TPF.
Perl 6
Tadeusz Sosnierz (tadzik) is writing about game development using Perl 6.
by Carl Mäsak
Carl Mäsak shows how to parse Python using Perl 6.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
David Farrell shares some stats of his (their?) website. 17,000 visitors in February 2014, and pages per visit is 1.5. He wants to grow the visitor count to 70,000 in the next year.
As explained in the article, I'd like to build a list of CPAN modules which people and companies use in their applications. I am interested both in open source and closed source applications. Both in 'commonly use' modules and the ones that only you might be using.
by Damian Conway (DCONWAY)
Google tells me it is about Sex and violence in Switzerland. And it is categorized as a training event.
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorials
Using substr as an Lvalue isn't really a recommended practice, but sometimes people use it, so it might be interesting to see an example.
The site has almost 400 pages already, Perl has 60. It is still at the beginning, but you can probably already learn quite a few new things there.
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