Perl Weekly
Issue #144 - 2014-04-28 - Prime Time For Learning
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
Lots of learning material in this edition. Amongst other things, Dave Cross is making a pdf version of his "Data Munging with Perl" available, and the German Perl Workshop talks are now on YouTube. Also, summer is coming, and with it the different student coding programs that are now part of the season -- and Perl has some very promising proposals in store for them. ~ `/anick
Yanick Champoux
Do you like the Perl Weekly? Does it provide value to you? What about giving a tip to Yanick, who put together this edition? With GitTip you can give a weekly gift as low as 1 cent. Just a token of appreciation. ~ szabgab
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
Olaf Alders is proud (and with reason) to announce MetaCPAN's participation in both Google's Summer of Code and the Outreach Program for Women.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave Cross offers a free pdf version of his book "Data Munging with Perl". The book may be on the old side, but its chapters aged like wine; a few might have gone a bit sour, but most of them are still pretty delectable.
by Mark Keating
Summer, and its student programs, is coming. We are ready for them.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Neil Bowers is a relentless machine. With a dedication not seen since the T-800 went out of production, he obtains the co-maintainership of CPAN modules to clean up their documentation, refresh their code, and generally give them needed dust-off.
Emma Howson continues her journey of discovery in the world of Perl. In this installment: she discusses while/until loops.
Are you stuck in a legacy morass? What can you do to extricate yourself from it? Jay Hannah discusses how to recognize the signs, and ways to escape the blightful vortex of a legacy environment.
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
Sawyer X reveals all about Dancer in this first part of a series of three interview.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
It's Spring! Which means it's cleaning season. So, as brian d foy proposes, why not take the opportunity to remove some of the cruft accumulated in your PAUSE directory?
Mop can't have protected attribute variables! bemoans Yuki Kimoto. Actually, it can, corrects Toby Inkster from the comment section.
Maybe not code you want to make available to the outside world, but something that can sure be handy in a pinch. Johandry Amador shows us how he uses Dancer as a centralized service firing remote commands to a group of machines.
by Tudor Constantin (TCONST)
Authentication is one of those complex interaction things that are almost guaranteed to make our heads swim. Fortunately, most web frameworks have helpful plugins to abstract most of the headache away. Here, Tudor Constantin shows us how to deal with Facebook authentication within Mojolicious.
The Windows registry... an Escher-inspired bedlam if there was ever one. Michael Roberts shares here a little module that is a blessing for anyone cursed to wander this byzantine maze.
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Exceptions are tricky. Sinan Unur hits a classical wrong assumption in his code and share it, for our enlightenment and as a warning to us all.
by Mark Dominus (MJD)
Mark Jason Dominus reminisces about his brush with Oulipo, a society of writers that takes delight in "constrained writing", which is not totally unlike code golfing with natural languages.
Couldn't make it to the German Perl Workshop? Don't be sad: burnersk brings the GPW to you.
Testing is all about trusting nothing. Yet, some things are so deeply ingrained that it's hard to recognize how implicitly they are taken for granted. Fortunately, Ovid is there to turn us into better paranoids.
Weekly collections
Unfortunately, Audrey Tang has totally disappeared from the Perl world and she has not blogged either. Now you can read the text of her talk at TEDxTaipei.
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