Perl Weekly
Issue #145 - 2014-05-05 - MetaCPAN changes
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hello there!
I hope you spent both the International Workers' Day and Star Wars Day well, and you are ready for the challenges of the new week!
Last week I included a call to support Yanick via GitTip that resulted a few people giving him money, and then Yanick and myself (Gabor), continued to discuss it. PJF suggested we set up a team-account in GitTip so people can give tips to the Perl Weekly team, and then the members of the team can divide the money. So I set up a GitTip account for the Perl Weekly and it already received some gifts. Thanks! We don't expect to be super-rich from this (at least not in the next few weeks ;), but it would be awesome to get presents from hundreds, or even thousands of our readers. Actually I'd prefer receiving 1 cent from a 100 people than $1 from a single person. So if you have a spare cent a week...
The other idea that was suggested by Yanick was to include a new section called 'GitTip Profile of the week'. I find this a good idea as it will give us an opportunity to introduce an open source Perl contributor a week without running lengthy interviews :). It will also gives you an opportunity to give a small weekly present to these people. I am going to look at the people listed in the Perl community at GitTip, and the mashup created by Neil Bowers called CPAN Tip.
Gabor Szabo
GitTip profile of the week
The result: Perl is much faster. Reactions on Reddit.
by Christian Walde (MITHALDU)
Answering a couple of questions such as 'How to print debug messages in XS?' and 'How to validate memory accesses of a C program on Windows?'
Setting breakpoints using (b). Listing the breakpoints using (L). Clearing them using (B). Setting conditional breakpoints.
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
Steven Haryanto brings up an interesting problem. Give a short string, how can you cheaply(!) detect if it is any of the 'standard' or 'approved' formats?
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
As Neil Bowers is working on the CPAN author's dashboard he is putting the pieces together. This module allows you to iterate over all the recent releases limited by age.
If you'd like to follow the changes in MetaCPAN, now there is a page for this with an RSS feed.
brian d foy and Sawyer X are planning to take the train around Europe, stop-by interesting places and talk to the local Perl Mongers. If you are interested to having them in your city, check out the article and get in touch with them.
by Paul Johnson (PJCJ)
After several months of break, Paul Johnson is back in the saddle, and started to work on Devel::Cover again. Including some plans to update
The new, bi-monthly opening for grant requests by The Perl Foundation.
Perl 6
The Perl 6 weekly update.
The English transcript(?) of the talk Audrey Tang gave at TEDxTaipei.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
In a nutshell, I think if all the people who benefit from Perl contributed back to the community, the Perl ecosystem could do a lot more. So if you cannot contribute time, maybe you can contribute some money. GitTip is an easy way to do so.
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorials
Do you know what is the #!/usr/bin/perl at the beginning of Perl scripts? What about #!/usr/bin/env perl ?
In this article you'll find a small introduction to how to contribute to MetaCPAN via the naive way the news feed was added.
8-10 May, 2014, Orem, UT, USA and it has a Perl Track
In the following cities: Silver Spring, (MD/USA), Orem (UT/USA), Poznan (PL), Prague (CZ), Oslo (NO), Paris (FR), Kiev (UA), Orlando (FL/USA), Sofia (BG), Flörli Olten (CH)
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!