Issue #147 - 2014-05-19 - Perl 5.20.0 RC1 is out!

latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
Don't miss the next issue!

The first Release Candidate (RC release) of the next perl 5 is on CPAN, and unless anything terrible comes up, 5.20 might very well hit the street as early as next week. This week, in the new and spiffy department, we have new dependency graphs on MetaCPAN, a report on the state of the ongoing perl-mop projects, and even a Vim plugin that might make this editor feel like a young thing again. Enjoy! ~ `/anick

Yanick Champoux

GitTip profile of the week

GitTip allows you to give a regular weekly monetary gift to people in order to encourage them to do more of the awesome stuff they have been doing. The gifts can be as low as 1 cent a week. In this section every week you will see a different Perl developer we recommend you support. Oh, and the Perl Weekly itself also has a GitTip account.

Curtis 'Ovid' Poe

by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)

Ovid is a long-standing member of the Perl community. He blogs, wrote books, and did amazing work for the Perl testing toolchain (he's amongst things responsible for Test::Class::Moose). Outside the Perl sphere, he also maintains a second blog providing tips and pointers to expat workers.


Dependency Graphs Are Now On MetaCPAN

Thanks to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer, the very shiny dependency graph of Stratopan has been ported to MetaCPAN.

The Perl gittip community has 499 members

by Neil Bowers (NEILB)

Neil Bowers draws our attention to the fulgurant growth of the Perl community on Gittip. Spoiler warning: we're now up to 509 members.

Perl 5.20.0 RC1 is now available

The first release candidate of the next perl is out! Now is the time to test your code against it, for the time is short -- we're talking one-week type of short, here -- before the final cut is made, and 5.20.0 officially launches.

Submit talks for YAPC::Europe 2014!

by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)

YAPC::EU is coming fastest than you might realize. If you're thinking about presenting there, domm reminds us, now is the time to submit your talk.


On prototyping in public...

Stevan Little provides a quick recap of the Perl mop project(s), and the high-level lines of what to expect for the near future.

All about Dancer - interview of Sawyer X part 3 and last

The last installment of the Dancer interview of Sawyer X by Nikos Vaggalis. REST, only about web services? CGI, does it really have to die? Sawyer reveals all.

On prototyping in public... the long version

Stevan Little revisits his recap of the perl-mop project(s), this time in more details.

CPAN Testers Summary

by Barbie (BARBIE)

Barbie summarizes what happened in the CPAN testing world in April.

What good is in an iterator?

by Sinan Unur (NANIS)

If this is one of the questions that keep you awake at night, Sinan Unur might have some answers for you.


Building a blog engine using Perl Dancer

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

Gabor Szabo showcases a nice primer on Dancer, via the making of a blog engine.

Debunk Perl's magic with B::Deparse

by David Farrell (DFARRELL)

A short little reminder by David Farrell that, no matter how beffudling a snippet of Perl can be, B::Deparse is always there to help shed a light on what's really going on.

Monitor running processes with Perl

First we write programs. Then we write programs to start programs. Then Johnny Morano shows us how to write programs to watch programs and, if required, call programs to start programs.

Automatic variable highlighting in vim

by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)

If Vim is your editor of choice, you have to see this new utility Ovid brilliantly stole and adapted for our Perlish needs.

Math::Prime::Util, May update

by Dana Jacobsen (DANAJ)

Dana Jacobson has been working on the Math::Prime::Util module recently introducing improvements as well as new utility functions.


San Francisco Perl Mongers 2014 Lightning Talks

Lightning talks, everybody loves them. The San Francisco Perl Mongers here offer us 12 of those tasty, tasty morsels, touching Go (the language), Semantic versioning, JavaScript things, educational stuff, with some Perl interspersed here and there.

Monitoring Your Code with Log4perl

by Tom Hukins (TOMHUKINS)

A 16:57 min long talk given by Tom Hukins at YAPC::EU 2013.

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