Perl Weekly
Issue #154 - 2014-07-07 - Mighty Morphin CPAN Testers
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
This week has seen a lot happening in the world of CPAN Testers. And I really mean a *lot*. The site has a new admin interface for testers and module authors, the find-a-tester service has been revamped and there are a slew of statistics being reported. On other fronts, we have a few looks back to YAPC::NA, some neat new web services for Perl developers, and the warning that changes are coming to a number of the core testing modules. Enjoy! ~ `/anick
Not only that but both Yanick and myself have prepared a full edition so now you get a double edition. I just hope I managed to remove the duplicate items :) ~ szabgab
Oh, and by the way, The Perl Weekly is looking for more sponsors. Especially companies that are looking for Perl developers.
Gabor Szabo
We are a growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We are looking for talented, motivated professionals committed to flawless work and customer service.
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
Changes are coming to the Test::* modules, Chad Granum warns us. As those modules are the foundation of most test suites, it might indeed be a good idea to check what those are.
by Jason L. Froebe (JFROEBE)
PDF version of the PDL book is available, and now play nicely with tablets and smart phones.
Samuel Kaufman lets us know there is a new service in town to track changes of your favorite modules: you create lists of modules you want to follow, and it generates RSS feeds of their changes. Nifty!
Scott Walters pursues his quest to have his Kickstarter project funded, which would allow him to update and modernize WebGUI, with the ultimate hope of shaping it up to be a worthy competition for WordPress.
by Barbie (BARBIE)
Barbie announces the launch of a new administrative view of the CPAN Tester data for both testers and module authors.
Dist::Zilla. It slices, it dices. And it can also be used as the core of a continuous delivery system, argues Mikko Koivunalho.
There is currently work going on to extend the voting system of MetaCPAN into a full-fledged web of trust. Talina Shrotriya fills us in.
There is much more than writing code to creating a game. Ovid discusses here some of the things he considered when designing his MMORPG game.
This is already the 3rd part of the series by Sid Burn. This time talking about the Gordian Knot and Alexander the Great.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
Ricardo Signes went to YAPC::NA, and in this first installment of his impressions of the event, he lauds the way the conference presentations where uploaded to YouTube (to wit: all talks -- yes, all of them -- where streamed in pretty darn close to real-time, which is awesome).
Stevan Little had, alas, to sit this year's iteration of YAPC::NA as he was stuck in the middle of a move, but thanks to the real-time streaming of the talks and the magic of Twitter, he was very much with us, Obi-Wan-style.
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
So you are using Dist::Zilla to manage your module and you want to run a single test out of its test suite? No problem at all, you can just run it directly. But if the module also has XS components, it's a little trickier. Fortunately, Olaf Alders found how to do it in a fairly simple way.
Neil Bowers was wondering what was the frequency of cpantester reports coming in. Barbie created graphs to answer him, and the picture they draw is quite impressive. A graph showing the number of CPAN uploads by month, by week and by day. The week-ends are weaker and on the 31 of each month there is a huge drop in the number of uploads. Maybe because half the monthes don't have day 31...
by Barbie (BARBIE)
Statistics. Everybody love statistics. Here, Barbie compiled all the first versions of CPAN modules. Unsurprisingly, most modules begin their life with a variation on 1.0 / 0.1 / 0.001. But which one is the most popular? Take a guess, and go find out.
by Barbie (BARBIE)
Barbie is tinkering with the cpantester infrastructure. More particularly, he's fine-tuning the reported emails for testers to be more flexible and accurate. Not a massive change, but undubiously a very useful one.
by Mark Allen (MALLEN)
More ways to check if a certain site is accessible during testing.
The first 127 slides from the training course I run. (~szabgab)
by Caleb Cushing (XENO)
When legacy parts of your code are marked for an upcoming demise, there are several ways to make them issue deprecation notices. Caleb Cushing shows one way to do it using warnings's 'warnif' and (optionally) Moose's method modifiers.
by Laurent Dami (DAMI)
Dami wants to generate SQLite virtual tables from within Perl. From the comment section, it seems that he won't even have to roll up his sleeves: SQLite::VirtualTable might already provide all that he needs.
Samuel Kaufman draws our attention to a website (and the web app module that powers it) that provides a nice, web-based way to know which modules are bundled with the different versions of Perl itself.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
When hunting down the moment a bug has been introduced in a codebase, 'git bisect' is a blessing. Ovid reminds us here that the labeling of the different commits as 'good' or 'bad' can be automated, making the search for the commit where all went wrong all the faster.
Ddumont explains how Config::Model was used in the deployment of the latest version of lcdproc (a multi-platform LCD display driver) to both take care of the configuration update, and provide per-user configuration overrides.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
For his MMORPG game, Ovid needs to generate quests. He shows us how that can be fairly easily achieved with a little bit of code.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
A few years ago, Dave Cross ran Perl training at the Google campus. He realized recently that he never shared publically the slide decks he had crafted for them. This terrible oversight is now rectified. Slides of his 'Database Programming with Perl and DBIx::Class' and 'Object-Oriented Programming with Perl and Moose' courses are now available to the general public.
by Larry Wall
The keynote Larry Wall gave at YAPC::NA going over the RFCs that were the starting point of Perl 6. (50 min)
A tool to list all the packages that have been installed in your perl. Indispensable for someone who don't have full control over what has been done in the installation of a legacy application. (6 min)
Tricks for Mac users who are not afraid to get their hand dirty with a bit of Perl. (22 min)
For people with corporate mindset.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Dist::Zilla might be an overkill for small distribution, but using a standard approach by author makes a lot of sense. But how to switch from MakeMaker to Dist::Zilla?
BackPAN is the place where everything uploaded to CPAN is being stored. Even thing that have been already deleted from CPAN. Now there are a bunch of files that can help you dig out modules from the distant past.
The application deadline for The Perl Foundation grants is July 15th. (To remind you this is the list of TPF grants in the last 4 years.)
Perl 6
Perl Maven Tutorials
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Just my excuses why I have not published a lot of articles in June with links to the articles and screencasts I did publish... ~szabgab
Weekly collections
by Doyle Young
This was the first YAPC of Doyle Young. See how he got his boss to pay for his participation!
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