Perl Weekly
Issue #155 - 2014-07-14 - There Be Cobwebs In Those Coffers
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
This week, we have echos of the next conferences coming out way (YAPC::EU, the Perl Swiss Workshop, the next meetings). We also have some updates of the financial state of some of Perl's foundations and, alas without surprises, it seems we are running on a very lean budget -- perhaps a reminder to us all to poke our $workplaces and see if they can't help in some way to keep the ecosystem alive and well-fed. ~ `/anick
Yanick Champoux
We are a fast growing software company using open source software/modern Perl practices to build innovative e-payment, auction, and tax collection web applications. We have been hiring great Developers for many years, and we want to further expand our distributed team of talented and friendly Developers. Most of our experienced Developers telecommute; on-site positions are also available.
Planning to attend the Swiss Perl Workshop? Now might be a good time to register, as the event is drawing close...
Curious to know what are the cities in the race to host next year's YAPC::EU? Well, don't waste any time, click the link already!
by Dan Wright (DWRIGHT)
Dan Wright warns us that the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund is running low on gas. Companies that rely on Perl to do the job, now would be a good time to chip in...
by Makoto Nozaki
Makoto Nozaki gives us the low-down on the Perl Foundation Grants Committee; how much money they currently have, how the rest of the year looks like.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Need Perl training, and willing to help TPF at the same time? Gabor Szabo has a proposition for you.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave Cross lets us know what's coming up at the meetings. (sneak peak: lots of good stuff, that's what is coming)
by Peter Krumins (PKRUMINS)
the site's statistics, he draws a list of his best hits, as well as his own favorite entries.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
Ricardo Signes gives us the second part of his YAPC::NA debriefing.
by Alex Balhatchet (KAORU)
YAPC::NA is over, long live YAPC::EU. Alex Balhatchet and a contingent of Nestoria's devs are preparing themselves for the trip to Sofia, Bulgaria.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Neil Bowers testify of the synergy between CPAN authors, and how we are more as a group than the sum of our parts.
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
Steven Haryanto gathers some interesting stats on Debian packages and the languages in which they are based.
by Andrew Solomon (ILLY)
Andrew Solomon interviews Emma Howson, a young, nascent Perl developer (and author of the PerlAdventures blog which appears here from time to time).
by Aristotle Pagaltzis (ARISTOTLE)
Perl's new postderef syntax looks funny, but there is a reason for it. Aristotle explains the devil that lies in the details of the deadly dereferencing drama.
by Stefan Hornburg (HORNBURG)
Using Interchange for your e-commerce? You might want to keep an eye on Stefan Hornburg, as he's starting a project that will allow Interchange to interface with Amazon and Ebay.
gvl has problems reaching From the comments, it seems that the problem isn't with the server, but could be born out of an IO::Socket::IP bug.
chenryn has a stab at porting rspec, a type of testing framework to ensure a host's configuration conforms to what is expected, to Perl.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
Ovid offers us the first draft of a cruft-busting tool that aims to detect variables that are pushed to the templates but never used.
by Mark Fowler (MARKF)
Mark Fowler announces a new version of Test::DatabaseRow. With the next version comes an easier way to tell the tests to open wide the gates of verbosity.
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
Steven Haryanto compares modules producing text-based tables. And yes, some metrics are presented in text-based tables themselves. Yo dawg.
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
Yanick plays around with a proxying service to manage his herd of sporadically-used toy web applications.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
"Parse HTML? Easy, let me write a regex!" NO! Stop right there, and go read David Farell's tricks and recommendations to sanely parse HTML instead. Trust me, you'll thank me later.
by Laurent Dami (DAMI)
Laurent Dami continues on his quest for Perl-based virtual table support for SQLite. This time around, he has a working prototype to share with us.
by Toby Inkster (TOBYINK)
Tiny::Type is still too sluggish for you? You're mad. And so is Toby Inkster, who wrote a XS version of the module that gives a 300% boost to an already lean speed demon.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
Joel Berger raves about the new features of Mojolicious, and of the doors they open (or, at least, make much easier to pass through).
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Sinan Unur is having fun swapping pixels between classic paintings using GD::Image.
Weekly collections
24 min talk by Adam Dutko at YAPC::NA 2014
by Sebastian Riedel (SRI)
19 min talk by Sebastian Riedel the author of Mojolicious. (pls note: Sound starts at 2:15)
Perl Maven Tutorials
14 min screencast and article
In the following cities: Sofia (Bulgaria), Tokyo (Japan), Flörli Olten (Switzerland), Hancock (NY/USA), Itapema (SC/Brasil), Salzburg (Austria), Barcelona (Spain)
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