Perl Weekly
Issue #186 - 2015-02-16 - Which language will be popular 5 years from now?
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
before getting to the content, let me just insert this selfie here:
Is your company looking for a Perl developer? The Perl Weekly can get your sponsored announcement to more than 5,000 readers every week. If that's not enough, your ad can also appear on the Perl Maven site visited by more that 10,000 Perl developers every day. Contact me (Gabor) for details.
And now let's go back the regular listing of articles!
Enjoy ~szabgab
Gabor Szabo
Do you eat Javascript for lunch? Are you familiar with Web Servers such as IIS and Apache? Do you dig Perl the most? Then join Striata! We will make best use of your talent, while ensuring that you grow and learn in an environment that boasts some of the best developers in the industry. Apply now!
by Larry Wall
Paul Krill from InfoWorld interviewed Larry Wall via e-mail. Followed by extensive Reddit discussions.
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
"deployable" is a handful of tools to help you with remote management of multiple servers. It was born when there was no Puppet or Chef in town.
by Andrew Solomon (ILLY)
In this survey that you can complete within 1 minute, Andrew is trying to predict which languages will be popular 5 years from now.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Infinity is a small IT consultancy with HQ in New York and remote employees based all over the US and Canada.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
STRATO is an ISO 27001-certified hosting provider with its headquarters in Germany.
by Tina Müller (TINITA)
Cyrus AG is now one of the best-known IT training companies in Germany.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
Reddit is link-sharing and discussing site running on some open source Python code. It has so called 'subredits' that are categories for sharing links related to a specific topic. Posting an article on Reddit can get hundreds or thousands of additional visitors to an article, and via their aggregation it can expose the Perl-related activity to other communities as well.
by Gianni Ceccarelli (DAKKAR)
Some secret sauce from Net-A-Porter giving us a peek behind the curtain of the fashion design. Who said you cannot combine beauty with Perl?
"Percolation is search inverted: instead of finding docs which match a particular query, it finds queries which match a particular document."
by Jason L. Froebe (JFROEBE)
In the real world of Perl programmers you often need to work in strange environments. For some reason, unlike with Java programmers, they expect that you work around all the obstacles they put in front of you. And you do, because you are a Perl programmer who can work around strange issues. (Which of course reinforces their unreasonable expectations, but that's a different story.)
by Doug Bell (PREACTION)
What do you do if your old web application that was designed to accept a few hits an hour, suddenly gets hundreds of hits every minute from unfriendly Python scripts?
by Timm Murray (TMURRAY)
The ODROID-C1 is a competitor of the Raspberry Pi, a cheap "System on a Chip device". Timm Murray temporarily out of the Wumpus cave took a look at it from the perspective of a Perl developer.
by Chris Tijerina (CAMSPI)
Pivot a multi-row/multi-column table, 4X4 in size for example, containing name-value pairs. Code should account for larger table sizes with any number of name-value pairs. Numbering the pairs is optional but encouraged for readability.
by Mark Keating
Paul Johnson and Mark Keating are preparing the Perl team for the Google Summer of Code. They are looking for projects that want to participate.
Perl 6
by Carl Mäsak
A 4x4 grid has 24 internal walls. In the power set of these, some of the members are "mazes", by definition grids with a unique path between every two squares. how many mazes exist?
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorials
Given N objects and N weights, select an element with its weighted probability.
The first chapter of the Beginner Perl Maven video course has been freed. It is available from the Perl Maven site and also on YouTube
The organizers of YAPC::NA have put out a call for master classes and they sent out an e-mail with information about hotel reservation with a call for talks. I don't recall any announcement, announcing the announcement list, but if you managed to follow this sentence so far, and if you are interested in YAPC::NA related news,then you migh sign up here. The hotel information page mentions that there is an early-bird discount for the hotel rooms. (Unfortunately the talks won't be announced by that.)
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