Perl Weekly
Issue #189 - 2015-03-09 - Mojo Week!
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
Three entries about Mojolicious this week, including the announcement of MojoConf 2015!
If you have a PAUSE account, you should read David Golden's entry.
Editor #3, Neil
Neil Bowers
Our yummy Perl codebase handles millions of emails in production each week! We're growing like crazy, doubling in revenue and size annually. We want you to join our team in Utah. Pass our "Perl Challenge" to win a $100 Amazon gift card and an interview. Hires will receive a sizable signing bonus.
Do you eat Javascript for lunch? Are you familiar with Web Servers such as IIS and Apache? Do you dig Perl the most? Then join Striata! We will make best use of your talent, while ensuring that you grow and learn in an environment that boasts some of the best developers in the industry. Apply now!
Interested in sponsored ads in the Perl Weekly? Check out the details.
by Matt S. Trout (MSTROUT)
Version 2 of Moo is now on CPAN. Matt talks through the strictures change that is biggest news.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
David's monthly update on new CPAN distributions released in the last month. He now showcases a "module of the month" each time, and this month that was File::Serialize, which is a nifty module, even if Yannick can't spell serialise.
by David Golden (DAGOLDEN)
David describes a change in PAUSE that can result in a slightly perplexing error message when you upload something to PAUSE. Basically, if you upload a distribution Foo-Bar to PAUSE, then it must contain a module Foo::Bar , otherwise it will not be added to the CPAN index. Existing dists not meeting this rule got an exception, but all new dists must satisfy this rule.
This year's Mojolicious conference will be held in New York from June 4th to 6th. Speakers will include Sebastian Reidel, Marcus Ramberg, Glen Hinkle, Joel Berger, and Jan Henning Thorsen.
by JT Smith (RIZEN)
A video of a talk given at Madison Perl Mongers.
by John Scoles (BYTEROCK)
Problems, and their solutions, when upgrading to the latest and greatest version of Mojolicious.
Community and culture
by Mark Keating
Mark outlines his plan for promoting companies that are using Perl in some way.
by Mark Keating
Mark started his promotion of companies using Perl with a description of a regional newspaper from New Jersey, USA. They've been using Perl for more than 15 years, and recently contributed to the Perl 6 team's need for a new server.
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
An update from Chad on his work on the Test-More distribution, in particular what exactly will be shipping with Perl 5.22. He's been working on some refactoring, and benchmarking his changes, but realised that one of his changes didn't have the impact he'd thought. It's great to see this getting discussed and written up "in the open".
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
Perlancar shares his thoughts on what should go in the Changes file for your distributions. In particular, don't just say what you changed, but why.
by Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt (FREW)
A war story used to illustrate a point, with some good tips and thoughts thrown in. For example, do you use, or are you aware of the fc function (introduced in 5.16)? A good rule of thumb: "you should not emulate, imitate, or otherwise do the job of the database".
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
Dave shows the code he wrote to write spirograph style pictures in SVG, which he then etched onto wood using a laser cutter. I have no justification for one, but a laser cutter is going on my wishlist!
by Robert Threet
A short review of the O'Reilly "Perl and XML" book, which was published in 2002. Even so, Robert was surprised to find it a useful read, and wishes he'd read it earlier.
by Bakkiaraj Murugesan
A full example using FFI::Platypus to send notification to the Linux Desktop user.
Perl 6
You can now embed Perl 6 code in Java, native reference support has been ported to the JVM, and you can now use keywords for sub, method, and class names (it doesn't say why that might be a good idea).
The PR Challenge
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
A new home page for the challenge, changes in the way distributions are scored, and a new hit list to help get dists onto github.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
A few charts showing how many pull requests were done for CPAN distributions in February, and how that compares with previous years, and with last month. TL;DR: much better, not quite as good, respectively.
by Alberto Simões (AMBS)
Alberto describes his work for a PR on Exobrain. I've added one idea to our central ideas list: check whether any of the dependencies should have a minimum version specified. I was bitten by this issue just this week — easy to do if you regularly upgrade your Perl and re-install CPAN.
Perl Maven Tutorials
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Bottom-line: The XS version is 57.42 times faster than the pure Perl version.
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