Perl Weekly
Issue #192 - 2015-03-30 - The YAPC::NA schedule is out!
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
The schedule for YAPC::NA is out and there are tons for good-looking talks!
Talking of talks, today's your last chance to submit something for the German Perl workshop.
Editor #3, Neil
There are also going to be additional training classes at YAPC::NA. See more info below. ~szabgab
Neil Bowers
Teleperformance is looking for talented Perl developers who are eager to join our team (10 developers). We are a close-knit development group who live and breathe Perl and the open source philosophy. We are located in Grandview Heights, Ohio, with easy access to the downtown area.
Our yummy Perl codebase handles millions of emails in production each week! We're growing like crazy, doubling in revenue and size annually. We want you to join our team in Utah. Pass our "Perl Challenge" to win a $100 Amazon gift card and an interview. Hires will receive a sizable signing bonus.
Use Moose, DBIx::Class, Catalyst, AnyEvent and work in an dream office in Newport Beach office in California to build and maintain our registry platform and services for Internet new Top Level Domains (nTLDs). Send your CV to
by Graham Ollis (PLICEASE)
Graham has recently adopted File::Which and posted about his plans for the module, in particular splitting out the pwhich script into a separate distribution, to minimise the dependencies for the main module.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
David introduces the Kelly criterion, a formula used to calculate what percentage of your bank you should stake. He's released Algorithm::Kelly to Kelly, if you're interested. The Kelly criterion is widely used by betting types (my missus and I used the Kelly criterion in the horse-betting system we ran a few years back. Not that we're betting types. Any more).
Hacking and blogging
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
brian shares some of the ways you can work with gzip'd data in Perl, for example via the recently updated PerlIO::gzip, or using pipes.
There are going to be several 'Master classes' on the day before YAPC::NA, and the 2 days after. 4 of the classes have been already published, 2 are still somewhere in the pipe, but if you attend YAPC::NA and want to attend any of the courses, you might want to plan your travel accordingly. ~szabgab (one of the trainers)
The Cleveland Perl mongers have risen from the ashes like a Phoenix; StylusEater shared some of their journey.
by Max Maischein (CORION)
The German Perl workshop runs from the 6th to the 8th of May. If you're quick, you can still submit a talk proposal.
The Sydney mongers are meeting 14th April, and looking for speakers.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Gabor has put together a page with some tips for promoting your Perl event.
Perl 6
by Timo Paulssen
Lazy deserialization of objects has been re-enabled in MoarVM, which should give "much better memory usage and speed when starting up a program that doesn't use every class there is". Also a rakudo release, some documentation improvements, and a bunch of other things too!
Not Perl, but may be of interest
by Mark Dominus (MJD)
Some excellent advice from Mark, about the right response when someone asks you to sign a contract with a clause that's only there because the lawyers wanted it. He followed it up with some examples.
A survey of Ruby developers, which has been running since 2008. I like that for many questions it shows how the answers have changed over the years. TL;DR: vim is the most popular way to edit Ruby.
A talk from RubyConf last year, with lots of interesting observations of open source. I feel like I need to watch it again before I can distil it down any!
Perl Maven Tutorials
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
In this article full of screenshots you'll see how to write a Perl script to send messages via Twitter.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
A screencast in which Gabor shows the first step in creating a clone of the web site using PSGI and MetaCPAN as the back-end.
The beginning of a series of articles showing how to write a counter with various front-ends (e.g. command line, web) and various back-ends (plain text file, MongoDB, etc.)
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