Perl Weekly
Issue #197 - 2015-05-04 - YAPC::EU Master classes - talks - hackathons
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
YAPC::EU is still 4 month away, but you can already register enjoying the early-bird discount. The call for master classes, hackathons and talks is still open.
In the meantime the German Perl Workshop is just around the corner.
May the 4th be with you!
Gabor Szabo
Are you looking for a Perl job? Find it listed on the Perl Maven site.
by Steffen Schwigon (SCHWIGON)
May 6th - 8th, 2015 in Dresden, Germany. Please note, there is a strike by the train drivers of the Deutsche Bahn. Plan your journey accordingly!
There are currently 2 master classes, but if you'd like to run your own training class, you can still propose one. Same with Hackathons. There are 34 accepted talks so far. More are needed.
by Brent Laabs (LABSTER)
Comparing the release of Python 3, the lack of release of PHP 6, and the imminent release of Perl 6.
by John Napiorkowski (JJNAPIORK)
Solid backwards compatibility and the biggest new features is Arg and CaptureArg type constraints.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The CPAN PR Challenge of Neil has been working quite well and helped Neil to refine his advice on what would constitute a good Pull Request. He points out that if the change is really useful that will make it much more likely to grab the attention of the author and he gives a number of 'best practices' on communicating with the author and making it easier for her/him to integrate the changes.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
What to do with distributions last released in 1995? Should they be removed from CPAN? Updated? Left alone?
by Breno de Oliveira (GARU)
Garu has patched Web::Library::UnderscoreJS and Mojolicious::Plugin::ServerStatus. Interesting modules.
by Dave Mitchell
Dave spent the month mainly fixing issues reported by the Coverity static code analyser, and fixing assorted bugs that were in the main 5.22 blockers.
by Makoto Nozaki
Dead-line for the TPF grant proposals is 15th May.
Perl 6
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
Flavio reminds us all that when you put a picture of a person on a slide (or a blog post, or an e-mail), make sure the person does not look away from the text. Either the person on the side should look at the text, s/he should straight ahead. The latter will indicate that the person on the page is interested in the reader.
by Justin Simoni (JJSIMONI)
Dada Mail is an Open Source Contemporary Mailing List Manager written in Perl. This release moved from CGI to FastCGI and Plack/PSGI.
Weekly collections
Perl Maven Tutorials
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
MooX::Options is an integration of Moo, the minimal OOP framework for Perl and the Getopt::Long, the standard command line processing module. Reddit
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