Issue #200 - 2015-05-25 - 3 YAPCs on 3 continents in the next 3 months

latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
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Hi there!

At the end of this issue you'll find the upcoming Perl-related events 3 of them YAPCs. YAPC::NA is the first one with 286 committed users. You still have 2 weeks to register.

YAPC::Asia is almost 2 month away. It is the largest YAPC by far expecting 2,000 participants this year. For them while its rooted in Perl, YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2015 is an event that any engineer will be able to enjoy.

YAPC::Europe is the furthest away in time with a new, call for talk proposals extended to solutions that are not necessarily in Perl. This is your opportunity to turn YAPC::EU 2015 into an event interesting to people who have not been exposed to Perl yet.


Gabor Szabo


Defend your code with Guard

by brian d foy (BDFOY)

A whole new meaning of defensive programming? The example is how to localize system-wide changes. If you put 'local $_ = undef;' in a block that will ensure '$_' gets its original value back when the block ends. Could you write 'local unlink $file;' and have the file delete for the duration of the function call? Could you do this with something less destructive like 'local chdir $other_dir;'? (Reddit)

Building TwittElection

by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)

Even if you don't care about Perl, you might care about the elections in the UK.

Computing excellent numbers

by brian d foy (BDFOY)

Brian shows his actual path through a problem rather than hiding all his failed experiments. The negative results are just as valuable. - Agreed!



Using Perl and MySQL to automatically respond to retweets on twitter

A sequel to the 'Using Perl to send tweets stored in a MySQL database to twitter' article by Tony Darnell, a Principal Sales Consultant for MySQL, a division of Oracle


Dance with Perl in CodePicnic

CodePicnic is an online platform to create full stack code containers, where you can run code through your browser, being able to share and embed them in your blog or website.

Routing with PSGI

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

There are several modules that provide URL routing service, but if you'd like to see how they might work behind the scene, this article explains it. Oh and in case you are not familiar with the jargon, 'URL routing' means mapping URLs on your server to function calls that will serve the requested page.

Hello World with Dancer2

This is how to get started building a web application using Dancer2.


Build.PL and Makefile.PL considered harmful

by Neil Bowers (NEILB)

Neil suggests that CPAN distributions that have both Makefile.PL and Build.PL mean trouble and one should not have both. (If the generated Makefile.PL is a perfect replacement of the Build.PL then your users really don't need both.) There is even some history lesson in the comments.

Release the Validator :: Custom 0.27

by Yuki Kimoto (KIMOTO)

Improvement of grammar, handling of a multiple values, improvement of the OR validation

MetaCPAN Thanks Bytemark for Two Years as a Hosting Sponsor

by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)

"Sponsoring MetaCPAN makes perfect sense for Bytemark. It has the potential to save us weeks of developer time by helping our developers locate modules not included in the Perl standard distribution. Large Perl programs can use many modules, from those that interface with SQL databases to simple utilities."

CPAN PR-Challenge: May Report

by Alberto Simões (AMBS)

A short not on his progress. I wish more people were blogging about what they have been doing in the CPAN PRC.


01010100 01101000 01100001 01110100 ...

by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)

A Robot From The Future Reviews Tomorrowland - translated by Perl with the help of a shrinking geek.


Hague Grant Accepted

by Karen Pauley

Bart Wiegmans' recent Hague Grant Application, Advancing the MoarVM JIT has been successful.

Deadline Extended - Call For Grant Proposals

by Makoto Nozaki

Call For Grant Proposals (May 2015 Round) has been extended until the end of May.


Perl 5.22 new features

by brian d foy (BDFOY)

The first Perl 5.22 release candidate is out and there are some new operators and many enhancements to regular expressions that look interesting.

perl has built-in temp files

by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)

A feature almost no one has ever heard of, that a simple call to 'open' can create a temporary file. It will even unlink the filename immediately which means an attacker cannot find the temporary file.

How We Spent Two Days Making Perl Faster

"This is a story about a significant new optimization to the Perl interpreter. It is a story about battling code complexity. And it is a story about wanting to have our cake and eat it too.". You also get a link to PerlGuts Illustrated that in itself is a great resource.

Use Perl 5.22's <<>> operator for safe command line handling

by brian d foy (BDFOY)

The 3-argument form of 'open' was added to Perl 5.6 to protect our code from attacks. This is quite well known. The question remained though: How does Perl open filenames when we use the diamond operator in a while loop? That was still vulnerable to the same kind of attacks. Using the new operator you can make your code safer.

Perl 6

Interview with Damian Conway

by Damian Conway (DCONWAY)

From the Perl History channel.

Weekly collections

Perl Maven Tutorials

Updating MongoDB using Perl

by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)

The second part of the mini-series creating a command-line phonebook using Moo, MooX::Options, and MongoDB.

Perl Critic distributions and policies

Perl::Critic has many extension, policies that are not part of the core distribution. This page provides a full list of all the distributions and policies.


YAPC::NA 2015

8-10, June, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


20-22, August, 2015, Tokyo Japan

Swiss Perl Workshop 2015

28-29 August 2015, Flörli Olten, Switzerland

YAPC::EU 2015

2-4 September, 2015, Granada, Spain

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