Issue #203 - 2015-06-15 - Yet Another YAPC Pleasingly Concluded

latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
Don't miss the next issue!

The 2015 edition of YAPC::NA is now behind us, and most of its pilgrims have returned from Salt Lake City. If you missed -- or want to know what all the noise is about -- look in the 'video' section for a link to its YouTube channel. Hopefully, it'll give you the itch to come and join us next year. Enjoy! ~ `/anick

Yanick Champoux


What I learned at Perl MiniConf

by Charlie Gonzalez (ITCHARLIE)

Fresh from the New York hackaton of last May, Charlie jumped back into the fray and attended the recent Perl mini-conference that happened in the Big Apple.

Why Use Go?

by Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY)

Different tools are good for different tasks. When is it better to use Perl, and when is it better to use Go? Dave gives us his two cents on the topic.


Get to grips with Prove, Perl's test workhorse

by David Farrell (DFARRELL)

Perl's testing ecosystem is awesome. One of its core tools is 'prove'. If you don't already know how to use it, you're in luck: David will show you the important bits.


Seamless Mesh of JS Tests With Perl Harness? Yes.

by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)

Running JavaScript tests from within a Perl TAP testsuite? Don't mind if we do.


Turning a Hard Problem Into an Easy One

by Paul Evans (PEVANS)

Paul is working on adding a 'pairsort' function to List::Util. Something that, at first, looked rather daunting, until he began to look at the problem from a different angle...

Mojo::Snoo v0.10 - "Snoo" Explained

by Curtis Brandt (CURTIS)

Curtis introduces Mojo::Snoo. What's Mojo::Snoo? A Mojo wrapper for the Reddit API. Obviously.

Tuning Algorithm::Diff

by Helmut Wollmersdorfer (WOLLMERS)

Premature optimization is the root of all evil. But sometimes the need for speed is legitimate. Helmut needed Algorithm::Diff to be fast and put his nose to the grindstone. Fairly impressive sparks ensues.

Dancer2 Named Route Parameters

by Chris Tijerina (CAMSPI)

Camspi dives into the world of Dancer2 request parameters -- where they are coming from, how to to select subsets of them based on their source, that kind of stuff.

Perl Koding

Jesse draws our attention on, which offers a cloud-based IDE for development (supporting, amongst other languages/environment, Perl, natch).

Statefulness and cookies - three ways to implement sessions

by Andrew Solomon (ILLY)

Cookies. They are delicious. Or, at the very least, darn useful in a web framework context. Andrew shows three different ways they can be used in Dancer2.


Make a playlist quickly

by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)

domm was in charge of the music for his sister wedding. He also had over twelve thousand songs to sift through. It goes without saying, the scene was laid for a small script to come riding in and save the day (or, at least, shorten its workload by a few hours).

Perl 6

Porting some modules to Perl6

by Helmut Wollmersdorfer (WOLLMERS)

To practice his hand at Perl6, Helmut ported two of his CPAN modules, Net::Similarity and Bag::Similarity to Perl6.


YAPC::NA 2015 on YouTube

Couldn't come to YAPC? A shame. But at least you can access most (if not all) of its talks via its YouTube channel.

Weekly collections


Perl Essentials course at YAPC::EU

by Andrew Solomon (ILLY)

Andrew is very keen to attract Perl Beginners into the community and feel included at the conference, so he is offering a one-day training class for people new to Perl. If you know anyone who might be interested and who needs an excuse for a vacation in Granada, Spain, signing up to this course is the perfect solution!

Perl Maven Tutorials

What is my IP address, how to determine the IP address of your computer using Perl

Your computer does not really have an IP address. If anywhere it belongs to the network device in your computer, and you probably have more than one of those.

A command line counter with database back-end using DBIx::Class

As part of the 'counter examples' in this version you'll find a counter with a relational database, but without writing a single line of SQL.

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