Perl Weekly
Issue #213 - 2015-08-24 - YAPC::EU is just a week from now
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there
I have not been to YAPC::EU since Frankfurt 2012 that was after the attempt to bring Perl 5 and Perl 6 closer together which took place in Perl, Germany.
What happened since then? Have people got closer?
Will the official release of Perl 6 bring new people to the "Perl community"? Who cares?
I am looking forward to see what others say about this.
In the meantime, enjoy your week!
Gabor Szabo
by Leon Timmermans (LEONT)
Instead of that module Leon suggests File::Slurper, Path::Tiny, or even IO::All. I personally think that this whole thing, including the discussion on Reddit indicate serious problems in the Perl culture. How many people will see this post? How will all the others know what is the recommended way to slurp a file into memory?
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Instead of using (?:...) many times, you can just use the /n flag and turn every capture group into a cluster group. Or, you can use (?n...) to turn off capturing in part of the regex. Of course there are a lot more details in the article.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Quick look-up for the major regex features of Perl 5 with links to detailed explanation and examples.
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Even if you write your code in C, you can still include a Perl script
ABC Startsiden is sponsoring the CPAN Testers.
by Alexey Melezhik (MELEZHIK)
SWAT is simple DSL to create a smoke tests for any web application in easy and fast way. Dancer is a modern light-weight web framework for Perl
by Dean Hamstead (DJZORT)
How to grow an ad-hoc script turned into enterprise software without creating a monster? Use the 4 elements of the programmers culture: Config, Logging, Testing, Plugins.
Perl NOC
The Perl NOC is looking for help cleaning up inactive Perl Monger groups, improving the spam filters and moving services to Docker.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Using Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Simple and Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, but actually recommending Spreadsheet::Read
Perl 6
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
The imminent official release of Perl 6 brings up even more emotions. Dave describes his background and rationally explains his emotions toward Perl 6.
Weekly collections
by Larry Wall
The Swiss Perl Workshop is just around the corner. Can you make it there?
Right after the Swiss Perl Workshop you can come to Granada, Spain for European Perl Conference.
Further down the road there is the Pittsburgh Perl Workshop, the only Perl Workshop promoted by The Perl Foundation, waiting for more talk proposals.
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