Perl Weekly
Issue #226 - 2015-11-23 - 2 interviews
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there!
Usually Perl developers don't get a lot of screen-time, but this week we have two interviews. One with Ribasushi, and the other one with Larry Wall.
If you don't have time to watch them right away, then save this issue of the Perl Weekly, and check out the interviews later during the week.
Gabor Szabo
Uniregistry is looking for a talented and passionate engineer to build and maintain a world-class registry and registrar. This position requires the ability to analyze and implement elegant solutions to complex problems while contributing to the development of reusable components
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Would you like to support the Perl Weekly? Just $1 an issue from each one of the readers would be fine. Is this newsletter worth $1 an issue for you? You can set up a weekly donation via Gratipay.
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
I always love to see real-world applications of Perl. I also find the results very interesting. Both the increase in temperature and the strange hump in the number of observations.
by Ron Savage (RSAVAGE)
If you don't know what is Marpa, don't worry. The article starts with links to the introduction.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Now that Perl 6 is going to be release within a few weeks brian d foy is wondering if the next edition of the "Learning Perl" book that deals with the Perl 5 syntax should say so in the title. Not surprisingly the Reddit discussion got quite long. People have strong opinions.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
If you do enough testing then you won't need much debugging, but if you do, you might want to see that in color.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Let's end the year in a bang! If you have started the CPAN PR Challenged at the beginning of the year, and have not followed through, it is the time to do all the remaining tasks. There is no better time than 2 days before the dead-line! Except maybe 1 day before the dead-line.
by Ingy döt Net (INGY)
Just by looking at the author you can expect that 'crazy' is an understatement.
by Daniel Șuteu (TRIZEN)
I think it is the first time I hear about this, but it is a full programming language, ready for you to play with. It comes with a tutorial and with lots of examples. BTW Sidef is Nacre in Romanian. It is the Mother of Pearl.
by Makoto Nozaki
There are 4 proposals and one of them looks like a scam. I let you guess which one.
Perl 5 Porters
Randal Schwartz and Guillermo Amaral talk to Peter "ribasushi" Rabbitson, the maintainer of DBIC
Perl 6
by Jonathan Worthington (JONATHAN)
60 out of 100 issues that are needed for the Christmas release were fixed. NFG improvements is just one subject. Normal Form Grapheme is an efficient way of providing strings at grapheme level. Apparently there is an example when Unicode standard and 'how people think' differs.
by Andrew Solomon (ILLY)
Developers of all programming languages are invited to the London Perl Workshop on December 12. There will be a free 2 hour hands-on course with the highlights of Perl, its community and its ecosystem so that the attendees are well prepared when they encounter it in the wild.
The last public RT training session of 2015 in Chicago, IL on December 14-15.
Weekly collections
by Mark Keating
The OSCON Call for Papers closes this Tuesday, 24th November, and at this moment there are no papers submitted on Perl. It would be a shame if the conference that started as The Perl Conference did not have any presentation about Perl.
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