Perl Weekly
Issue #228 - 2015-12-07 - Advent Season
latest | archive | edited by Yanick Champoux
With December comes back a beloved Perl tradition: the Advent calendars. In other seasonal news, Christmas is getting ever closer for Perl 6. And on a slightly more "bah humbug"ish note, the various Perl-related Kickstarters aren't doing so well right now. But hey, this season is known for its miracles, so... we never know. In the meantime, enjoy! ~ `/anick
Yanick Champoux
Uniregistry is looking for a talented and passionate engineer to build and maintain a world-class registry and registrar. This position requires the ability to analyze and implement elegant solutions to complex problems while contributing to the development of reusable components
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Would you like to support the Perl Weekly? A Perl Job ad in the Perl Weekly, like the one above, will reach almost 6000 Perl developers. People like you, who are enthusiastic about Perl and not just use it as an add-on tool.
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
The Dancer book kickstarter has 6 days and 8 thousand euros to do.
by Peter Rabbitson (RIBASUSHI)
An update on Peter's Kickstarter to be able to focus on Open Source/CPAN development for 2016.
by Peter Krumins (PKRUMINS)
Peteris's Browserling (a cross-browser testing solution) was featured by, a site featuring and ranking different software. Good to know Browersling is doing good; interesting to learn about that ProductHunt site thingie.
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
David made a cool "Larry Wall, hero of the revolution" t-shirt (if you want one, the Kickstarter is still ongoing, hurry!). He shares here the how he uses Gimp and Inkscape to create the t-shirt's picture.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
Ovid teases us with can be described as a tantalizing textual trailer to his upcoming space MMORPG, Veure.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
The London Perl Workshop is going to happen in a few days, and it looks like it's going to be awesome.
by David Golden (DAGOLDEN)
A new release of MongoDB is coming up. And a new trial version of its driver is already accessible on CPAN. MongoDB peeps you know what that means.
by Matt S. Trout (MSTROUT)
Either for abyss-level bug hunting, or interactive toying with the language, REPLs are invaluable. Matt reviews some of the proeminent Perl REPL out there for us.
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
There is an an optimization coming for Perl 5.24 that might boost some benchmarks by 25% to 40%. Sinan gives the nitty gritty details of this upcoming nitro injection to the Perl engine.
by Makoto Nozaki
A grant to merge stabilize and merge Test::Stream and Test::Simple into perl-blead has been approved.
Perl 6
by Timo Paulssen
Quite a lot of stuff happening in Perl6-land this week: a new Rakudo version, a new tutorial, a new Advent calendar, and lots of small stuff falling into place.
Advent Calendars
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Perl Maven Articles
Are you looking for a place to contribute. Here is the 100 most recently uploaded modules that are either missing the link to their repository, have no Travis-CI enabled, or have no license in the META files.
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