Perl Weekly
Issue #231 - 2015-12-28 - Ho ho ho!
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
Christmas arrived, and Perl 6 has had its first public release.
Unsurprisingly there are a lot of Perl 6 things in this week's
Plenty of Perl 5 too, which is probably going to be the pattern from now on.
This is the last issue of 2015, so from all of the editors:
best wishes for 2016.
Neil Bowers
Perl 6
by Larry Wall
Larry's post that lets us know that Christmas has arrived.
The official announcement of the Christmas release of Rakudo Perl 6.
by Kaare Rasmussen (KAARE)
Kaare's reflections on Perl 6, where he wonders who's going to use it, and what niche is it going to make its own?
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Two weeks ago we include a post from Sinan, where he pointed out some unexpected behaviour with handling of newlines in Perl 6. Sinan happily reports that it was fixed in time for Christmas.
by Justin DeVuyst (JDV)
There's no official plan for a CPAN equivalent for Perl 6, but that's mainly because there are no official plans for pretty much anything in the Perl universe :-) Justin has been exploring whether PAUSE and MetaCPAN can provide Perl 6 support on CPAN.
by Timo Paulssen
It feels like an awful lot has happened since this was posted, as this is talking about the run-up to the Christmas release of Perl 6, but I still included it for completeness.
Perl 5
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
As ever, bugs were reported and fixed. Amongst the discussions was one on whether Exporter should be given the ability to rename functions on import.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Work is starting on the next edition of Learning Perl. If there are changes you'd like to see, this is the time to let brian know.
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
Flavio introduces teepee — a command-line tool that takes JSON or YAML (eg retrieved from some API using curl ) and lets you slice and dice parts of it.
by Pierre Vigier (PVIGIER)
Pierre shares some tips for how you can test a Dancer2-based API that used PostgreSQL.
by Warren Young (PVIGIER)
This is the first in a series of articles about working with Dancer. Each one links to the next part in the series.
by David Golden (DAGOLDEN)
The latest development release of the MongoDB distribution includes a new interface to MongoDB's filesystem abstraction. David shows how you can use it.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Discussion of metrics for indicating how appropriate CPAN distributions are for your CPAN distribution to depend on. I plan to use this as one of the things used to select distributions for the Pull Request Challenge, but also to see whether we improve the overall "water quality" of the River of CPAN in 2016.
by Yanick Champoux (YANICK)
Remember that scene in The Empire Strikes Back, where Leia says "I love you" to Han, and he coolly says "I know"? I thought of Yanick as Han Solo after I read this.
by Amalia Pomian
Amalia gives stats on the number of Perl-based companies listed on, and and hopes that 2016 will see many more added.
by Makoto Nozaki
Ben Tilly is stepping down from Grants Committee, after 10 years service. Thanks to Ben. Sawyer X has volunteered to take his place.
by Mark Keating
Videos of the talks from the London Perl Workshop, held in early December.
Not Perl
A 50-minute introduction to Elixir, a functional, dynamic, strongly-typed language.
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