Perl Weekly
Issue #232 - 2016-01-04 - Try Perl in your browser!
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there!
The new year starts quite well with a new, web-based tool teaching Perl. Try it! Help improve it!.
In addition yours truly is looking for people to write articles for the Perl Maven site and he even offers you money for that. So now you can combine your love of writing about Perl with earning some money.
Enjoy your year!
Gabor Szabo
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
Last time there was a bit of a noise about Test::Simple not breaking backward compatibility. So I wonder, will we have another drama like that this time as well?
by Alexey Melezhik (MELEZHIK)
At first I thought that Alexey is a pirate who keeps talking about sparrow, but apparently that's a bird. So what is the connection between a bird and web site monitoring? Is that the good sight? Being light-weight? Or that it never seem to rest?
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
While in a real application you'd probably use a module to validate the format of e-mail addresses, parsing them manually is actually a great way to teach regexes.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
You don't need to port CGI programs to Dancer, Mojolicious, or Catalyst just in order to start using PSGI. You can easily switch to PSGI, get the advantages it provides and keep using your existing CGI code.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Hmm, if I understand CPAN PR is back for another year, but this time only distributions of CPAN authors who opt-in will be included. So if you are a CPAN author and you'd like to get Pull Requests, then talk to Neil.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
It's interesting how Neil and I keep touching the same subjects, but in addition to the simple question stated in the title, Neil also looks at the place of the distribution in the 'CPAN river' or in other words, How the importance of distributions and the availability of GitHub repositories correspond. Surprising.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
I am never sure if pointing out stupid hate-speech (or just plain old FUD) is a good thing, or if that just gives more exposure to it, but as my co-worker said 'haters gonna hate' so let me point you the response of Joel to that stupid talk. In case you need dose of fuming.
by Makoto Nozaki
The application deadline for this round is 23:59 January 16th UTC
Perl 6
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Sinan, the representative of the dark side with his Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 at hand took the new toy to a spin. It crashed and burned (what else would you expect from a butterfly hitting windows), but Sinan seems to be happy with the results.
by JT Smith (RIZEN)
I don't like the title, but I the responses from Liz are great and I hope we'll see more and more real-world problems solved with Perl 6 in a better way than in some of the other languages. I am especially looking at you 'threading made easy'. Oh and more comments on Reddit.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Thought the title should be probably 'the popularity of Perl-related sites' based on 3 sources: Perl Weekly subscribers; Alexa, and Google Analytics of,, MetaCPAN, and Perl Maven.
Weekly collections
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
This is the summary of the summary: Perl 5.23.6 is now available, thanks to David Golden with a great announcement on how The Fuzz Awakens.
Not Just Perl
by Carl Mäsak
How to write a test for an already fixed bug, but also make sure it fails without the fix.
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