Perl Weekly
Issue #234 - 2016-01-18 - Seconds out ...
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
Plenty of back-and-forth between the Perl 5 and Perl 6 camps this week.
I think this is healthy, as long as it doesn't go on too long.
For one, it's a sign of people who care about their communities
and programming languages.
We've also got David Farrell's review of new CPAN modules from December.
Neil Bowers
by kmx (KMX)
2016-01-13 The canonpath function in the File::Spec module (from the PathTools distribution) was not properly preserving the taint attribute of data. This was fixed in PathTools 3.62, released on Monday 11th January. ActivePerl has also been updated with this and another Windows-specific security fix. Strawberry Perl was also updated.
by Kenichi Ishigaki (ISHIGAKI)
Ishigaki-san has a release candidate out for the next stable release of DBD::SQLite, which if all goes to plan should happen in the middle of next month.
Perl 5
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
Updates from Tony Cook and Dave Mitchell on their grant work; some new bugs were reported, some existing bugs got fixed, and a bunch of stuff was discussed.
Gizmo presents something he knocked up with RapidApp, to making information about some gaming conferences available.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Some thoughts on how we can make CPAN distributions more welcoming to potential contributors.
Perl 6
by Mike Friedman
An introduction to subroutine signatures in Perl 6.
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Prompted by all the discussion and snarky comments, Zoffix has started a repository where he's trying to bring together a high-level description of "the Perl 6 experience": how to present and talk about 6.
by Mike Friedman
Mike continues his exploration of Perl 6, by looking at some meta operators.
Perl 5 vs Perl 6
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix's passionate support for Perl 6, in response to the brouhaha. He's having fun with Perl 6, and thinks many other people will too.
by Sue Spence (SUE)
Sue's calm thoughts on the whole naming issue: both Perl 5 and Perl 6 came from Larry, so he gets to decide on the name, regardless of what any of the rest of us might think.
Hacking with Perl
A script from Hasan for stripping attachments from email. He's hoping to get comments and suggestions for improving his code.
Not Perl
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Not a Perl article, but it involves Sinan and brian, so I feel honour-bound to include it. Sinan made some code run a lot quicker.
Some advice on how to get resolutions and goals for new year to stick. Apparently this is the time when most people fall off the wagon, so it seemed the right time for this article.
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