Perl Weekly
Issue #235 - 2016-01-25 - YAPC::NA::2016 announced
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there
Wherever you are, enjoy the weather!
Gabor Szabo
Finally the date and location of YAPC::NA 2016 has been announced. It is June 19-24, at the Downtown Doubletree Hotel in Orlando, Florida. If you'd like to get their announcements in your mailbox, sign up to the YAPC::NA announcement list.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave is answering two questions: Do people still use Perl? and Are there people who use Perl but aren't as expert in it as they would like to be (or as their managers would like them to be)?
by Buddy Burden (BAREFOOT)
The newest episode of the long series by Buddy dealing with Date and Time.
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
Why does the import() function need to be part of the module that is exporting functions? Shouldn't it be part of the language or at least an tool that can import?
This subject seems to be one of the most popular in the Perl subredit. With 29 upvotes and 53 comments a mere 13 hours after it was posted has a very good chance to be on the home page of Reddit. Aside from the usual 'but they are both Turing complete' style comments there are a few that describe the situation quite well.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
List::Util has a couple of nice, and slightly surprising functions. For example: pairs, unpairs, pairkeys, pairvalues, pairgrep, pairfirst, and pairmap. Most of them act on pairs of values found in a list or array.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Why do the most commonly reused modules have the highest number of CPANTS failures? Is it their age? Is that the age of their authors? Maybe lack of willingness to change? Is there a specific metric that is a common source of failure or a specific author?
Perl 6
by Mike Friedman
A recap on the 5 Perl 6 articles written by Mike.
by Rob Hoelz (RHOELZ)
In Perl 6 you can have access to the documentation during run-time. (Does this mean we could write a module that would just read its own documentation and then execute it?
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Have you every been afraid of touching the Perl 5 core because you did not want to touch C? That's over with Perl 6 where, at least in the case of Rakudo, most of it is written in Perl 6. discuss on Reddit
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