Perl Weekly
Issue #237 - 2016-02-08 - CPAN Weekly
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there!
I hope you've enjoyed your weekend. Rested enough to tackle the next week.
I am personally very excited, because I am going to run a seminar on testing with plenty of hands-on exercises using the real code-base of the client. This is a format I enjoy even more than using my own home-made exercises, because this ties in directly to their pain points.
In other news: there is a new weekly in town!
Enjoy your week and your weeklies!
Gabor Szabo
As you might know Rakudo is 'just' the Perl 6 compiler and Rakudo Star is the name of the distribution that includes the compiler, documentation, and a bunch of additional modules. This is the first such release since Perl 6 was officially released. It also comes with a Windows MSI Installers.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
It seems Neil does not have enough fun editing the Perl Weekly once every 3 weeks or so. Nor does he have enough on his plate running the CPAN Pull Request Challenge for a second time, and being in the river cleaning business up to his neck. Now he also wants to run his own weekly newsletter called CPAN Weekly giving you one CPAN module every week. I can only guess that he is looking for more ways to procrastinate... Good luck!
by David Golden (DAGOLDEN)
It is very frustrating when you submit a pull-request and noone responds to it for a year. It is also very embarrassing when you realize you were the one who did not respond to a pull-request. Now, with the help of a little Perl script written by David you can see the whole list of repos where there are pull-requests waiting for your attention.
by Chad Granum (EXODIST)
'It seems that declaring something done is the best way to find out ways in which it is not actually done.'
It is interesting to see how to exploit a bug in an ancient version of perl, though I wonder, if the fix isn't available by just upgrading perl? See also Reddit. Though given the fact that the vulnerable code that does not use strict or warnings, I am not surprised the author uses such an old version of Perl.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
How to play Minesweeper on your home computer while you are at work?
Would you like to be able to run Perl 6 in a web browser near you? (sort of). Would you like The Perl Foundation to support it financially.
by Ricardo Signes (RJBS)
The annual grant request of Ricardo Signes, the Pumpkin to attend the QA Hackathon.
Core Perl 5
by Reini Urban (RURBAN)
'B::C and cperl has now proper support for copy-on-grow (COG) and copy-on-write (COW) arrays.'
Perl 6
by Ahmad M. Zawawi (AZAWAWI)
Tooling is critical for the success of a programming language. Having at least one great IDE supporting the language is very important. Ahmad, who was once one of the key contributors to the Padre project and who later went on and created Farabi, has now written a plugin for the Atom editor to support Perl 6.
Thanking the companies that supported the Rakudo Perl 6 effort.
by Mike Friedman
Class constraints with and without a where block. Promising the type of the returned value. Introspection: How to find out about the constraints during run-time.
by Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY)
It seems fixing a bug in Rakudo, the compiler of Perl 6, is actually fun.
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