Perl Weekly
Issue #24 - 2012-01-09 - The Perl Oasis in 4 days + YAPC::NA 2012 CFP + The Modern Perl book headed to the printer
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Last week, I got some negative feedback for the job post being in the subject line. I hope that this one will be received better.
A few days ago I posted my TODO list for 2012. Including the publishing of this newsletter every week. So now I am committed for the next 52 issues :)
You remember the discount for my Beginner Perl Maven course ends today. So make sure you take advantage of it in time.
In other news, we are quickly approaching 2500 members. Thank you all for your support!
The posts:
Gabor Szabo
Curtis 'Ovid' Poe is writing a new Perl book for Wrox. This is the table of contents.
by Breno de Oliveira (GARU)
Breno G. de Oliveira (Garu) has posted a detailed and awesome overview of what happened in the Perl community in 2011.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
brian d foy gave a list of ideas what to talk about at OSCON.
by Steffen Schwigon (SCHWIGON)
Renormalist, who also calls himself Steffen Schwigon, has been talking about a performance metric for Perl for at least two years. I am always amazed by people who can run a project with very little publicly seen result for such a long time and then come up with a comprehensive thing. As I understand having a standard way to measure the performance of perl can be important to some vendors. Hopefully, it will be interesting to people who are being involved in the development of perl as well.
by Sebastian Willing (SEWI)
Sebastian Willing (Sewi) takes us on a tour of a simple looking Perl code that had a memory leak and shows us how to eliminate that.
chromatic explained some of the new features of his Modern::Perl module and mentioned that the new edition of his Modern Perl book went to the printer and will be available soon.
Buddy Burden just became a co-maintainer of Test::File together with brian d foy and that of Method::Signatures together with Schwern. This was a good opportunity for him to reflect on the whole CPAN ecosystem thing and how easy it is - after all - to give something back to the community.
by Jeffrey Kegler (JKEGL)
Jeffrey Kegler writes about the apparent lack of a lexer in Marpa::XS.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
So do I. But see how Joel Berger could fix a bug in one of his CPAN modules, even before it hit the end users and without the need to install 20 versions of Perl.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
(szabgab) I encounter people who have already written a module or two and now they are considering uploading them to CPAN or just packaging them for easier distribution. In this article I show the minimal step for a simple pure-Perl module.
by Leon Timmermans (LEONT)
Do you want to risk a seg-fault in your code? Leon Timmermans shows how safe and unsafe signal handles work and explains what are the problems with either of those.
by Andy Lester (PETDANCE)
Andy Lester posted a use-case of a new Perl::Critic policy. It's always good to see Perl::Critic getting more fail-cases.
From Jason L. Froebe - Tech tips and How Tos for Fellow Techies
Perl 6
Apparently now that the Advent calendars are done the number of Perl 6 related posts also dramatically went down. This one is about Bailador, the Perl 6 implementation of the Dancer web framework.
You should really read the short post for this but if you don't have time for that, here is the hint: Template::Toolkit, Moose, Plack and nginx.
by Steven Haryanto (SHARYANTO)
Steven Haryanto shared a link to ConFreaks, a web site with lots of recorded conference talks. Most of the conferences are Ruby related.
by JT Smith (RIZEN)
JT Smith announced the Google+ page I created for YAPC::NA. If you are interested in updates about the Perl conferences and Workshops in North America, put this page in your circles. I'll re-post the YAPC::NA blog and I'll also post other, related items and about the Perl Workshops in North America.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave Cross is running Public Perl training courses again and now you can win a free entry.
January 13-15, 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA
February 28, 2012, Ramat Gan, Israel
March 5-7, 2012, Erlangen, Germany
April 14, 2012, Catonsville, MD, USA
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!