Perl Weekly
Issue #246 - 2016-04-11 - 15 years of Devel::Cover
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
It's easy to forget how lucky we are with some of the tools and systems
we have available to use as Perl developers.
We were reminded of two such pearls this week: Paul Johnson reminded us that
we have one of the best test coverage tools of any language.
And then Buddy Burden shows why CPAN Testers is so useful.
Neil Bowers
by Paul Johnson (PJCJ)
Paul first released Devel::Cover on 9th April 2001, the day after Perl 5.6.1 was released. Paul has been chief maintainer from then 'til now, but he also points out that 86 other people have contributed to it over the last 15 years.
Perl 5
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.
by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe (OVID)
Curtis shows how they've been creating private Moose attributes in a project he's working on, and in the comments other people have shared how they do it.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The second in a series of blog posts about the Perl and CPAN infrastructure. This one covers creating, editing, and testing a CPAN distribution. It was supported by ActiveState, who are a gold sponsor for the QA Hackathon this year.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
A tutorial on use of the prove utility to run your tests during development.
Perl 6
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix addresses the issue of Perl 6's performance, whether the general perception of it is right. He mentions some recent recent work to start making things faster, and various language features you can use to make your Perl 6 run faster.
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix introduces some of the aspects of Perl 6's typing system.
by Alexey Melezhik (MELEZHIK)
Alexey introduces a plugin for his sparrow framework that is used to find potentially stale processes on your server.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave shares some code he wrote "back in the day", which he describes as "terrible". It's good to look back at your old code, and hopefully see how you've improved.
QA Hackathon
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Strato sponsored the QA Hackathon last year, when it was in their home town of Berlin, and they're sponsoring it again this year. They're also looking to hire some German-speaking Perl developers as well.
by Sheila Louis
Sheila explains why ActiveState think the QA Hackathon is important, and why they are sponsors this year.
by Damian Conway (DCONWAY)
Damian is going to be giving a number of talks in Oslo later this month, including some paid classes and public talks.
by Mark Keating
Mark's final post in the series celebrating 10 years of Shadowcat, describing definition of, and approach to, sponsorship.
Grant Reports
by Karen Pauley
Tony Cook's report on work done against his Perl Foundation grant.
Not Perl
A good short read on some of the things you can do to avoid brittle code. A number of good points, but in particular I liked the discussion about technical debt.
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