Perl Weekly
Issue #249 - 2016-05-02 - The QA Hackathon happened
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
The QA Hackathon was last weekend, and as a result there have been a lot of blog posts
about it this week. Lots gets done at the QAH, and everyone is encouraged to blog about it,
to make clear the value of it both to the sponsors (without whom the QAH couldn't happen)
and to the Perl community.
If you use MongoDB from Perl, please check out David Golden's request.
Neil Bowers
QA Hackathon
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
If you only read one blog post about the QAH, it should probably be this one, which tries to give a flavour of what happened.
by Andreas König (ANDK)
As ever, Andreas seemed to be everywhere with everyone at the QAH. This is his report.
Colin's report on the work he did at the QAH, related to PAUSE permissions.
by Olaf Alders (OALDERS)
There was a whole MetaCPAN section at the QAH this year, which grew as the weekend went on. This is Olaf's summary of what they got done.
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
This was Sawyer's first QAH, and given that he was strapped down and made to take on the Pumpking role for Perl 5, he may not go again!
by Philippe Bruhat (BOOK)
He didn't wear the expected number of pink shirts at the QA Hackathon, but I did see at least one. He's a friend, which is why I'm allowed to mock him rather than talk about the useful things he did.
by Oriol Soriano (UREE)
This year we tried an experiment: Oriol came as The QAH Intern. He joined a number of discussions, but joined Barbie and Doug Bell working on CPAN Testers for most of the time. I hope we get as good an intern next year!
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The module list permissions in PAUSE (the 'm' case in 06perms.txt) have now all been removed, simplifying the permissions model for PAUSE.
Perl 5
Perl 6
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix compares Perl's S/// operator to Perl's s/// relative.
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix shows some of the ways you can extend core types in Perl 6.
by Joel Berger (JBERGER)
One of the big topics at the QAH was Test2, and the way forward. This is a gnarly issue, and no decision was ever going to satisfy everyone. But the Test2 group, led by Chad Granum, worked hard to find the best solution. Joel summarises the story so far.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave wants to know what training courses people are interested in for YAPC::EU this year.
This year, Austrian and Swiss Perl Monger groups join forces to host the first Alpine Perl Workshop, taking place at the University of Innsbruck on 2nd and 3rd September 2016 (that’s a week after YAPC::Europe). They're looking for talks on Perl and other interesting things.
Perl Maven Articles
by Reini Urban (RURBAN)
I thought twice about including this, since (a) it's not constructive, (b) contains personal attacks, and (c) has a number of inaccuracies. But Perl Weekly seeks to reflect what's being discussed in the world of Perl, so here it is. Reini lists a number of core modules he claims are no longer maintained. But at the QA Hackathon I know that JSON::PP, Pod::Simple, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Devel::PPPort, and Test-Simple were all worked on, and possibly more.
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