Perl Weekly
Issue #255 - 2016-06-13 - Perl Webinar
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there
I am rather speechless today, so let's just get on with the content. ~ Gabor
Gabor Szabo
While many claim that Perl is a dying language, ActiveState's Perl business is vibrant and growing. Join our webinar on June 15th as ActiveState's Tom Radcliffe and guest speaker Jason McIntosh (co-author of "Perl & XML") discuss all things Perl: its past, present and what the future holds.
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
Do you document your functions as =headN or in a list as =item ? (Editor: I think POD should have semantic tags such as =function and =method)
by Kieren Diment (ZARQUON)
Splunk is a log and monitoring analytics toolkit. This article is about a client written in Perl but not on CPAN yet.
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
CPAN releases; Events; Cycling; Looking for a back-end developer in Vienna
An example on how to develop perl scripts using GUI interfaces from QT.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
It is easy to check equality using the 'is' function of Test::More, but how can you check if a number falls between two values? (screencast+article)
by Alexey Melezhik (MELEZHIK)
You might recall Sparrow provides automation and SparrowhHub is a list of plugins for it. In other words it is a repository of reusable automation scripts.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Perl v5.22 added a few new word boundary anchors such as \b{sb}, \b{wb}, and \b{gcb}. Perl v5.24 trumped that with \b{lb}.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Use the Compatibility::PerlMinimumVersionAndWhy policy of Perl::Critic
... for hosting, and helping to fix the European mirror.
Perl 5
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
While currently neither Strawberry Perl nor ActivePerl are using Visual C, IMHO it is important that Sinan took upon himself to torture Perl with Visual C.
Perl 6
Weekly collections
Not Just Perl
by Jonathan Taylor
There are no mentions of #perl together with #womenwhocode and only 2 together with #codenewbie. What to do?
by Dan Wright (DWRIGHT)
Q & A with Larry Wall - Sunday Arrival Dinner - Tuesday night Social - Tutorials - Wednesday Night Pull Request Challenge - Lightning Talks - Call for Volunteers
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