Perl Weekly
Issue #258 - 2016-07-04 - Where are the YAPC::NA blog posts?
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
After most conferences we usually see a flurry of blog posts.
These can be helpful when deciding what talk videos
to watch. There haven't been many post-YAPCNA this year.
So a request: when you go to a conference, please consider writing a blog post afterwards,
even just a short one. It's helpful and interesting for those of us who can't attend. And we Perl Weekly editors appreciate it too :-)
Neil Bowers
Perl 5
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
The one where we learned more about stat() calls being done when looking for modules in @INC .
by Sinan Unur (NANIS)
Sinan takes us through a problem posed on Stack Overflow, and how he approached it.
by Brian Carlson (BRIANC)
A short talk (22 minutes) from Brian at YAPC::NA, about the maintenance mindset.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave looked into a CPAN Testers fail for one of his modules, and to fix it he ended up fixing something in someone else's module. He's not finished yet though!
by Tom Wyant (WYANT)
Tom posted that he was going to delete Geo::Coder::Geocoder::US from CPAN, but then discussion in the comments resulted in Tom deciding to deprecate the module, and possibly delete it from CPAN at some later date.
by Kivanc Yazan (KYZN)
The recent YAPC::NA was Kivanç's first; here he shares just 5 of the things he learned. I feel he's holding back, as I'm sure Kivanç learned more than 5 things!
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
I want to encourage more first time speakers, particularly at LPW. As part of that I'm questions of good / experienced speakers. What question should I ask, and of whom?
by Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY)
MaxMind are looking for two Perl programmers, but they need to be in the US states of Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon, or anywhere in Canada.
by Karen Pauley
Dave Mitchell is requesting another $20k for his work on Perl 5. Add your comments to the blog post, as I just did.
by Makoto Nozaki
The next round of grant proposals are due by 15th July.
Not Perl
A great post about what makes a good commit message, and why you should do this.
by Amanda Folson
If you're championing open-source at your employer, and they're not buying it, this might provide some ammunition.
Perl Maven Articles
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Pert of the Dancer2 series building an Ajax-enabled application, this article shows the client-side JavaScript code.
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