Perl Weekly
Issue #273 - 2016-10-17 - Release candidates needing testing
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
Once something has a lot of users, you need to be a lot more careful about your releases.
One key tool is the release candidate: you put out a developer release and ask friendly
developers to test it and let you know if there are any problems.
No matter how thorough and diligent your testing, people and their data have a habit of
doing things you never imagined.
So read on about people who need your help with testing their release candidates!
More Perl news
Neil Bowers
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
David's monthly round-up of new modules released on CPAN in the previous month.
by Damien Krotkine (DAMS)
Damien has released a new version of his MooX::LvalueAttribute module, which lets you have lvalue accessors.
by Jason A. Crome (CROMEDOME)
A new table release of Dancer, the main features of which are improved configuration handling, and improved static content caching.
by Doug Bell (PREACTION)
Doug's released a new version of his static blogging engine, Statocles. If you're thinking of starting a blog, maybe take a look at this.
Perl 5
Dmitry tried PVS Studio, a static code analyser for C and friends, to check some of his C/XS code. He was pleasantly surprised, but your wallet might balk at the price.
by Flavio Poletti (POLETTIX)
Flavio introduces Dokku, a tiny platform-as-a-service, which aims to make it easy to deploy a single service on a machine. The example he presents is a simple Mojolicious app.
Perl 6
by Jeff Goff (JGOFF)
Jeff's first release of a Perl 6 module for parsing Perl 6. As Jeff says, this might be handy for pretty printers, syntax highlighting, etc.
by Ken Youens-Clark (KCLARK)
Ken has been learning Haskell, and having written the Hangman game in Haskell, he then had a go at doing the same thing in Perl 6.
If you use Rakudo Star, they'd appreciate any testing and feedback.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Gabor shows how you can use Test::Warn to test your module for warnings you expect it to emit in certain situations.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The second of a series of posts, that aim to encourage people who've never given a talk to submit a proposal.
by Tony Cook (TONYC)
An update on work done by Tony under his grant for maintaining Perl 5.
Not Perl
Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson talk through 5 benefits of learning design patterns.
A 30-minute talk on some problems you might hit with test-driven design.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Convos is built on Mojolicious. You can easily set up an in-house web-based chat system, without people even knowing they use the in-house IRC behind.
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