Perl Weekly
Issue #299 - 2017-04-17 - She's back!
latest | archive | edited by D Ruth Holloway
Happy Monday!
After some time off to get married, I'm back at it this week, and trying to get back into the swing of things. I could carry on at some length about my amazing husband (those of you who know me on Facebook have no-doubt gotten sick of it by now), but I sha'nt. Instead, on to the week's news!
D Ruth Holloway
Perl 5
by Doug Bell (PREACTION)
Doug hacks a bit to prevent hung tests by implementing a timeout on the ForkManager.
by Diab Jerius
Benchmarking the Try::* modules
Perl 6
by Jeff Goff (JGOFF)
Jeff clickbaits us, then shows a quick hack that speeds things up in the Perl6::Parser test suite.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Perl 6 has a wealth of comparison operators! brian d foy gives us a rundown, and an admonishment about making rash assumptions.
by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)
The Perl 6 Weekly
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
As Crypt::Bcrypt is still not installable, making the SHA-512 slow is the best alternative we have.
Weekly collections
Perl Maven
On June 3, 2017 in Madrid, Spain
The French Perl Workshop will be held in Paris Jun 9-10.
Formerly known as the Perl QA Hackathon, this year's Toolchain Summit will be held May 11-14 in Lyon, France.
Formerly YAPC::EU, the conference's theme this year is 'High-end Perl'. Call for Presentations remains open until June 15!
Registration is now open for the US Perl Conference (formerly YAPC::NA)!
Since the New Year, the majority of Perl employers in London decided they were voraciously hiring. At the same time, apparently, most Perl developers decided to scuttle — hermit-crab-like — away from the active job market.
Ever find yourself wishing you could see meaningful impact on users from your work? Trapped in a company with long release cycles and dubious release dates? Wish your ideas for product improvement didn't keep disappearing in to the Project Manager's backlog?
Let's start off talking about the robots. They live in cages, they travel at 60mph, and they're controlled via AMQ messages from a Perl-based Warehouse Management System. Simultaneously awesome and terrifying, they work tirelessly to move expensive dresses around such exotic locations as Charlton, and Mahwah, New Jersey
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