Perl Weekly
Issue #300 - 2017-04-24 - 300th issue of Perl Weekly
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
This is the 300th issue of Perl Weekly!
Nearly six years ago, Gabor put out issue number 1,
and hasn't missed a week since.
Various editors have come, and gone, and returned,
but Gabor is still the driving force behind it. Thank you, Gabor.
If you're a CPAN author,
please have a read of Ryan's article about one of the changes
coming soon in Perl 5.26.0.
Neil Bowers
by Dana Jacobsen (DANAJ)
Dana reviewed CPAN modules you can use for random number generation, in place of the rand built-in.
Perl 5
by Ryan Voots (SIMCOP)
Up to now, the @INC variable (used to search for modules when your program uses them), has had '.' (the current directory) in it. But this is a security risk, so in Perl 5.26 @INC will no longer contain '.'. Ryan goes through what that might mean for your CPAN distributions, and has assembled a list of distributions that appear to break with this change. If you're an author, check for your distribution(s) please!
Perl 6
by Jonathan Worthington (JONATHAN)
Jonathan has made significant improvements to how MoarVM handles memory allocation in multithreaded applications.
by Carl Mäsak
Carl ruminates on Perl 6's EVAL built-in, which is a bit different from Perl 5's eval.
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
Before the Toolchain Summit starts, the attendees are asked to add their work list to the wiki. Everyone is invited to have a look at the project list, and let us know if there are additional things you want to suggest for inclusion (bug fixes, new features, etc).
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The third article in a series about the distribution metadata that you'll find in the META.json file. This article was supported by MaxMind, a gold sponsor for the summit.
by Dawn S. Wallis
The organisers of The Perl Conference (YAPC::NA as was) have started sharing parts of the schedule, and encourage interested parties to sign up now!
The Pull Request Challenge
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
E Choroba got Jemplate in the pull request challenge, and in fixing a bug in that, he ended up fixing the same bug in the Template Toolkit (Jemplate is an implementation of the Template Toolkit in Javascript).
Perl Foundation
by Makoto Nozaki
Tony Cook has asked for an extension to his Perl 5 maintenance grant: $20k for another 400 hours of work.
by Mark A Jensen (MAJENSEN)
In 2015 a grant was awarded to switch to a new blog engine. The grant has stalled, and so the grants committee has decided to cancel the grant. They would still welcome someone replacing the current engine behind
by Aristotle Pagaltzis (ARISTOTLE)
Aristotle quotes Alan Kay, suggesting that we should consider focussing on funding people who do good things for Perl, rather than worrying so much on specific projects.
Perl Maven
Not Perl
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
The first episode of the new podcast by Gabor: How do other companies create high-quality sotware?
Do you know how to solve problems in terms of queues and caches? Does the idea of truly scaling your architecture on AWS excite you? Not fazed by designing your workloads to be distributed?
It’s no secret that I used to run a Perl team myself in Central London, and was competing for talent with the other teams. By far the hardest team to compete with was the one whose technical leader was making sure his team were always using the best tools, was always taking a personal interest in his team’s technical output — adding his considerable technical knowledge and experience to the team, and was always talking about these things at various London Perl events.
Friendly and quiet office in London (W1) looking for a Perl (or similar) developer with at least two years experience. You’re expected to have fullstack experience/abilities, from improvements on the client’s HTML front-end to backend services. It’s a small company, so there’s some fluidility expected between roles - a good place to expand on your jack-of-all-software-trades skillset.
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