Perl Weekly
Issue #303 - 2017-05-15 - Perl Toolchain Summit 2017
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there,
this week we have loads of posts about the Perl Toolchain Summit that took place in Lyon. Paul Johnson provided daily reporting of the event and several other people have reported specific accomplishments. It sounds it was a good effort thanks to the organizers and the sponsors.
There is an Instagram Feed of the Perl events now!
Enjoy the week!
Gabor Szabo
by Jonathan Worthington (JONATHAN)
Do you want Perl 6 to further improve? Jonathan is one of the key people who can make that happen, but he also needs to eat. So this is your opportunity to chip in or to get your company to use their bank account to support the work on Perl 6.
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
In which Dave explains that 'uniq' only works for values that are next to each other and one needs to use 'sort | uniq' in order to get real unique values. Or use a Perl snippet.
by Jim Brandt
The article is mostly covering the grants TPF handed out in 2016. To both Perl 5 and Perl 6 development.
Introducing MarpaX::ESLIF
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
A simple example using Plack::App::File and Plack::Middleware::DirIndex
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
The 4th part of the series explaining how to declare the dependencies using ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build, App::ModuleBuildTiny, Dist::Zilla, Minilla, cpanfile, and Module::Install.
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
App::GitHooks is an extensible plugins system for git hooks. Now you can turn it off using an environment variable.
A desktop environment in Perl?
Perl 5
by Lukas Mai (MAUKE)
Recently there was a big and enthusiastic discussion when Russ Cox benchmarked several glob implementations and now Lukas shows us the fast version using regexes. It's a nice article and one can learn some regex power tools, but I still don't understand when does this have any practical impact? Have you ever used glob with more than 2 stars (*) in it?
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
Ref::Util provides utility functions for checking references. e.g. is_ref($foo) and is_arrayref($foo). The work done at the Perl Toolchain Summit culminated in a Pure-Perl version making it more accessible to the general public.
Perl 6
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Event reports
Personally, I love Agile and Scrum so much I wrote a set of blog articles detailing why I love them so much. But it’s not everyone's cup of tea. Some people yearn for being given a two-week task, going away, and getting it done well by themselves, or in consultation with highly technical and well-read colleagues.
I love working in a vibrant, modern space. If you’re going to spend all day at work, it might as well be somewhere you enjoy being, rather than a cubicle farm. This client has a workspace I’m actively jealous of!
Love Perl but want to skill-up on another stack at your employer’s expense? Client is a major and dynamics UK company with a large (and pretty Modern) Perl codebase who have started extended their technical stack to include Scala and NodeJS.
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