Perl Weekly
Issue #316 - 2017-08-14 - Winter, er CPAN Day, is coming!
latest | archive | edited by Neil Bowers
The European Perl Conference has finished, and it looks to have been a good 'un.
You can watch videos
of some of the talks, and more will eventually become available.
Wednesday is CPAN Day, so why not do something to give back to our crown jewel?
Neil Bowers
by Neil Bowers (NEILB)
CPAN Day is August 16th. If you can't think of something to do on that day, why not help us fix up distributions that don't have either of META.yml or META.json .
Perl 5
by Sawyer X (XSAWYERX)
The weekly summary of news from P5P, mainly a list of new issues, and issues that have been resolved.
by Colin Newell (NEWELLC)
Colin describes how the team at CV Library tracked down, and fixed, a bug in an XS module.
by brian d foy (BDFOY)
Apparently Abigail shared this tidbit in a lightning talk, and brian is sharing it a bit more widely: Perl 5 deprecations will start saying when the feature will become fatal, as of Perl 5.28.
by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)
Liz's weekly roundup of Rakudo news, the 101st of these.
by Nadim Khemir (NKH)
Nadim shows how Data::Dump::Tree displays the different NativeCall elements.
by Mark Keating
Mark has been working on a booklet that introduces Rakudo, for distribution both inside and outside the Perl community.
by Evan Miller
A long review of Rakudo that tries to give a balanced perspective, after using it for a while, and writing a small library in it. One of his summary lines is that Rakudo "lacks a strong 'hook', and it's also kind of slow", and also "certainly alone in the audacity of its ambitions and sheer complexity of the language".
The Perl Conference in Amsterdam
Lance's perspective on the conference, with links to slides for the two talks he gave. One of them was on the Pull Request Challenge, so I'm looking forward to the watching the video.
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
Some of the first-time attendees as TPC::iA thought it wasn't very beginner-friendly. Thomas shares some ideas for addressing that.
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
Thomas shares a list of the things he learned at TPC::iA, and looks forward to Glasgow.
The Perl Foundation
by Will Coleda (COKE)
Tina Müller has requested a grant of $2500 to complete YAML::PP, a new pure perl YAML parser, a key goal for which is support of YAML 1.2. If you've got an opinion, you can share it in the comments.
by Will Coleda (COKE)
The grant proposal by André Walker, to sort out, has been approved.
by Samantha McVey
An update from Samantha on her Rakduo unicode grant work.
by Dan Wright (DWRIGHT)
This year TPF ended up having to pay $10k for hotel rooms that weren't taken up for YAPC::NA. Dan explains why, and what is going to change as a result.
I attend a lot of Perl conferences and it’s always interesting to see which employers are well-represented with a lot of delegates and which employers have little or no presence...
Ever find yourself wishing you could see meaningful impact on users from your work? Trapped in a company with long release cycles and dubious release dates? Wish your ideas for product improvement didn’t keep disappearing in to the Project Manager’s backlog?
I love working in a vibrant, modern space. If you’re going to spend all day at work, it might as well be somewhere you enjoy being, rather than a cubicle farm. This client has a workspace I’m actively jealous of!
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