Perl Weekly
Issue #321 - 2017-09-18 - Perl Dancer eBook Crowdfunding
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there!
This has been brewing for some time now, but finally it boiled over: I am writing an eBook about Perl Dancer!
More specially I'd like to write a book, but I'd also like to make sure there is interest in the book and people trust me to deliver it.
So I am running a crowdfunding campaign to gauge the interest. Please support it!
Other than that, plenty of articles.
Gabor Szabo
by Adriano Ferreira
Put the importer into total control to decide which functions to import and how to call them locally.
by Ed J
GraphQL is query language for APIs and the code fullfilling those queries. Created and released by Facebook.
Perl 5
Perl 6
by Suman Khanal
Jupyter Notebook is REPL-like system in a browser that can support any language. It can be used for both experimentation and as a teaching tool. Suman shows how to set up a Perl 6 Docker image and Jupyter Notebook to be awesome!
by Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer
What do you do when you are building an Internet radio player and want both a curses and web interface?
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix is working on 5 books: The White Book with introductory material and from there on you get deeper and deeper in Rakudo as the color of the book darkens first to gray and then to black. There two additional 'half-books': The Green Book for the absolute beginners as a prelude to the White book and The Cracked is for those who want to go beyond Black.
by Arnaud Assad
Not Perl specific, but there are plenty of Vim users among us (Last time I checked 34% of us were using vim) so it might be useful to see how others us it.
by VM Brasseur
Plenty of good advice, even though she does not mention the conference aggregator I run. Anyway she asks: 'What if one of the audiences is an expert in this area.' that reminds me the first ever presentation I gave at a Perl conference was about the 'Game of Chomp' and in the 2nd row was sitting Larry Wall occasionally saying something. Once I survived that, I knew I can give presentations anywhere...
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
A relatively new warning in Perl that can help you catch a subtle bug in the code.
Weekly collections
Successful and established team about to undergo an large expansion looking for Perl developers at every level of experience, from school leaver to Larry Wall.
Friendly and Perl-committed company based in Oxford who build a very popular software product. They use Catalyst + Starman, DBIx::Class, and are heavily bought in to Moose.
I love working in a vibrant, modern space. If you’re going to spend all day at work, it might as well be somewhere you enjoy being, rather than a cubicle farm. This client has a workspace I’m actively jealous of!
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