Perl Weekly
Issue #376 - 2018-10-08 - Hacktoberfest 2018
latest | archive | edited by Mohammad Sajid Anwar
The Hacktoberfest 2018 is the 5th Edition. I am always surprised by the popularity of the event. Sometimes I wonder, why can't this be repeated every month of the year, instead of just October. Those who don't know what I am talking about, The Hacktoberfest challenge is an annual event run by DigitalOcean, where you are encouraged to submit at least 5 Pull Request to any distribution hosted on GitHub in the month of October. In return you will receive specially designed FREE T-Shirt delivered to you anywhere in the world.
There is a still time for you to join. Please register now.
Mohammad Sajid Anwar
| is your one-stop shop to make your business stick. You can create custom stickers, labels, decals, magnets, and more in any size, shape, and order quantity. If you’re printing your own custom stickers for your staff or to hand out at events, we have you covered. Start designing today with StickerYou’s world-leading sticker maker. Use code PERL10 at checkout for a 10% discount.
by Jeff King
The Git project has disclosed CVE-2018-17456, a vulnerability in Git that can cause arbitrary code to be executed when a user clones a malicious repository. Git v2.19.1 has been released with a fix, along with backports in v2.14.5, v2.15.3, v2.16.5, v2.17.2, and v2.18.1. We encourage all users to update their clients to protect themselves.
by Bill Ricker
On 9th October 2018, The Boston Perl Mongers is hosted by MaxMind. The speaker for the event is Mark Fowler. He is going to talk about Perl Advent calendar.
by Jeffrey Kegler (JKEGL)
Measures of language popularity, even those based on usage in actual codebases, are far more rough than you might think according to Jeffrey. Jeffrey's main interest, as usual, is parsing and he proposes a way to improve the counts with more sophisticated parsing. In the meantime, those of you skimming his post for just the stuff about how the language statistics are gathered (apparently they are not based on actual line counts) should glance at the footnotes.
by Herbert Breunung (LICHTKIND)
In the ongoing series, Herbert, take us through naming methods. I like the way he build the story around the topic. A very informative take on the subject. A must read for every Perl6 lover.
by Ben Bullock (BKB)
Ben announced that he is planning to remove the module Unicode::Propoerties from CPAN, primarily because it is using faulty methodology to get the properties.
by Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (VTI)
This is a database of the security advisories for the Perl modules uploaded to CPAN. This is a hand-picked database. If you want to be automatically notified when one of your dependencies has a security issue
Perl 5
by Svyatoslav Razmyslov
Svyatoslav shares his findings when analyzing Perl 5 interpreter. Interesting read for Perl 5 lover.
by Kirk Lewis
A very interesting article explaining to how string interpolation of constants work in Perl 5.
Perl Tutorial
A section for newbies and for people who need some refreshing of their Perl knowledge. If you have questions or suggestions about the articles, let me know and I'll try to make the necessary changes. The included articles are from the Perl Maven Tutorial and are part of the Perl Maven eBook.
Perl 6
by Zoffix Znet (ZOFFIX)
Zoffix re-opened the issue with the blog, requesting Larry Wall to create a language name alias for Perl 6.
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