Perl Weekly
Issue #378 - 2018-10-22 - London Perl Workshop 2018
latest | archive | edited by Mohammad Sajid Anwar
Hi there
The London Perl Workshop 2018 is just around the corner. If you are going to be in London on 24th Nov 2018, then you should attend the workshop. It has talks covering various aspects of programming language. If you are keen to talk about any thing you recent worked on then please do submit your proposal before the deadline i.e. 31st Oct 2018.
The other thing that keeping the month of October so lively is the Hacktoberfest Challenge. If you have not joined the challenge then there is still time for you. Just sign up and submit 5 Pull Request to any distributions hosted on GitHub. In return you would receive specially designed T-shirt deliver to you anywhere in the world for FREE.
Keep contributing and enjoy this week newsletter
Mohammad Sajid Anwar
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Deadline to submit proposal is 31st Oct 2018. Please submit your proposal asap.
Dave Rolsky is our next nominee to join the Perl Foundation board. Dave is well known in the Perl community, for his extensive contributions to CPAN and for his frequent conference talks and classes.
This book aims to introduce you to Big Data, how it’s stored and analysed, together with its social impact, how does it fare?
by Jeffrey Kegler (JKEGL)
The timeline is a painless introduction to a fascinating and important story which is scattered among one of the most forbidding literatures in computer science.
by Jason A. Crome (CROMEDOME)
New session storage backend added for Dancer2 as a part of distribution Dancer2::Session::CHI. If you are currently using CHI in your Dancer2 applications, this will let you use CHI as your backing datastore for storage data. Please see the pod for details.
by Ed J
With the recently released XML::Invisible v0.03, you can write parsers that produce XML-like Abstract Syntax Trees (AST), or actual XML documents, without writing any code.
With GitHub Actions you can automate your workflow from idea to production. Sign up for the beta.
by Alex Denham
At its annual GitHub Universe conference, GitHub is releasing three new Learning Lab courses, covering secure development workflows with GitHub, reviewing a pull request, and getting started with GitHub.
by Nikos Vaggalis
Sourcegraph is a code navigation engine that non-destructively rearranges your repository's structure to organize it, as well as powering it up with code intelligence and advanced search capabilities.
The european union blockchain observatory & forum has set as one of its objectives the analysis of and reporting on a wide range of important blockchain themes, driven by the priorities of the european commission, and based on input from its Working Groups and other stakeholders.
Perl 5
by Simon Reinhardt
The Lab::Measurement software stack is a feature-rich solution for measurement automation and instrument control, which is both lightweight and highly portable to different operating systems.
Perl 6
Among all the network services that you rely on when running your applications, Network Address Translation (NAT) is key. It allows your applications to access the internet, while keeping your deployments private.
Weekly collections
November 24th, 2018, London
Love Perl but want to skill-up on another stack at your employer’s expense?
This position calls for a senior developer who loves teamwork
This company is up there among the most prominently represented at a number of the European conferences, and shows a real commitment to staying at the cutting edge of Perl
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