Perl Weekly
Issue #437 - 2019-12-09 - DC-Baltimore Perlyglot Workshop (DCBPW) in April
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi everyone!
The DC-Baltimore Perlyglot Workshop (DCBPW) was just announce. It will take place April 18-19 2020 in Baltimore, MD. Perl, Raku and all programming languages and tools are welcome and encouraged topics at this event. Both CFP and registrations are now open, but note, the CFP closes January 6th. So submit your proposal now!
In other news, this week I have not seen the regular lists from Miguel Prz. I hope he is OK.
As usual, the Perl Weekly Challenge take a large part of the content.
Enjoy your week!
Gabor Szabo
by Graham Ollis (PLICEASE)
A common challenge in calling C functions from any language other than C or C++ is dealing with constants.
by Enkidu
I am glad to see someone posting about PDL. Make it regular and PDL might get some more use.
by Dave Cross (DAVECROSS)
Dave seemed to have a lot of very similar ideas and initiatives to mine, except that his usually came a few years earlier. Two come to mind: organizing a local Perl Mongers group and having a Perl presence at FOSDEM, but there were more. I am looking forward to his ideas now so I'll know what I will come up in a few years from now. So yeah, good luck with them!
by Will Coleda (COKE)
'Implement Perl Binding for libuv' was approved.
Perl Weekly Challenge
The Perl Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out from your comfort-zone. You can even win the prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. The weekly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.
by Adam Russell
Adam went one step further and fetched the data using web scraping technique. A very good use of HTML::TableExtract.
by Arne Sommer
This week, I found Raku solutions easy to follow. Arne had his magic all over as always.
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
The use of CPAN module DateTime::Event::Sunrise was a surprise package. Thanks Dave for introducing the distribution.
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
Choroba never misses the opportunity to use CPAN module. This time also he used the lovely Time::Piece to solve weekdays task.
by Javier Luque
I enjoyed Raku solutions more this time. It was written in Perl style.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
I am a big fan of Laurent writing skill and his analytical skill. He is simply the best.
Perl Tutorial
A section for newbies and for people who need some refreshing of their Perl knowledge. If you have questions or suggestions about the articles, let me know and I'll try to make the necessary changes. The included articles are from the Perl Maven Tutorial and are part of the Perl Maven eBook.
by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)
A new compiler release of the Raku programming language.
The corner of Gabor
A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.
April 18-19 2020 Baltimore, MD
June 23-27 2020 Houston, TX
Tired of seeing endless London-based Perl jobs? Want to program Modern Perl in the Glorious North instead, where the people are friendly, the tea tastes right? The company is profitable, well-established, and family-owned, and have a strong set of benefits, not least of which a most-excellent coffee machine.
The client helps charities fundraise online and manages online payment systems for landlords, so you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re contributing to the greater good. And if that’s not enough for you, did we mention the annual company ski trip AND the chance to work in the mountains near Lake Geneva for a week each year, all expenses paid? Giving back never felt so good!
Look there, up in the sky: It’s a bird—it’s a plane—it’s you, saving UK job hunters from disaster one click at a time! Could you be the next Captain Career Search or Wonder Worker? If you’ve ever dreamed of donning the tights and mask, or even if you think you haven’t got the legs for the tights but would like to make a difference to people all over the UK, then read on.
This well-known company builds the that software hosting companies use to allow customers to build websites. The software you create will be deployed on thousands of servers all over the internet, and used by hundreds of thousands of people! Best of all, the client has a killer relocation program, so if you land this one, it’s Houston, here you come.
Our client provides a platform for musicians and industry professionals to manage their work and while making sure they get paid for it. If you support independent music, or if you’re just a fan of artists getting compensated enough to drop the “starving” part from their title, then this might be the job for you.
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