Perl Weekly
Issue #443 - 2020-01-20 - New Book: Mojolicious Web Clients
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there,
brian d foy has just let me know that his new book, "Mojolicious Web Clients" is now available for puchase. You can buy it on Amazon and on LeanPub as well.
I'd recommend you buy it from LeanPub as they give him a much larger percentage of the sales and they also let you easily tip brian with extra money. IMHO the $5.99 he is asking for is ridiculously low.
LeanPub also allows brian to update the book and easily distribute it to everyone who purchased an earlier revision of it.
In other news Samantha McVey, the main organizer of the Perl and Raku Conference in Amsterdam 2020 mentioned that they are looking for more organizers and sponsors.
Enjoy your week with your new book!
Gabor Szabo
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