Perl Weekly
Issue #454 - 2020-04-06 - Future of
latest | archive | edited by Mohammad Sajid Anwar
Hi there
The Perl Foundation recently announced the closure of long running grant to revitalize I was shocked by the news as I have been waiting for the day when we have new facelift for I know not many people use it but it remains one of the main source of Perl related news. I don't know what is the future of Andre Walker's work in progress is available on GitHub.
Curtis shared two new pages i.e. UNIVERSAL::Cor and Destructors. I am really happy with the progress of Cor, thanks to the trio of Stevan, Sawyer and Curtis.
Last but not the least, look after yourself and your family. Please do share how you are dealing with COVID-19.
Mohammad Sajid Anwar
by Andrew Shitov (ANDY)
Andrew came up with another gem of blog showing the power of Raku. Highly Recommended.
Perl Weekly Challenge
The Perl Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out from your comfort-zone. You can even win the prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month among all the contributors of the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.
by Ryan Thompson
Perl Solutions Review by Ryan Thompson.
by Arne Sommer
Arne showed how to solve Extra Credit task without the use of cache.
by Cheok-Yin Fung
Cheok shared his fight to resolve the Extra credit task. Must Read.
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
Dave showed the power of the recursion to solve the Collatz junction.
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
Choroba blog is one such you wouldn't want to miss out. Highly Recommended.
by Javier Luque
Javier used brute force method to solve the extra credit part of Collatz Conjecture.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
Laurent solved the challenge without the help of CPAN. Highly Recommended.
by Luca Ferrari
Luca solved the Extra credit task using simple hash.
by Shahed Nooshmand
Shahed seems to be the king of Raku one-liner. Must Read.
Weekly collections
The corner of Gabor
A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Gabor: I have created a page on LinkedIn that will allow you to get updates of my new posts on both the Perlmaven and the Code Maven sites. Many of those posts won't show up here in the Perl Weekly so you can follow me over at LinkedIn.
Online Events
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
As all the in-person events are cancelled many groups started to organize on-line events.
Instsead of the in-person Perl Conference, the TPF started to organize an even in the Cloud. You can already submit your talk proposals!
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!