Perl Weekly
Issue #459 - 2020-05-11 - Perl on YouTube
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there,
If you don't have a YouTube channel you don't know how good it feels when you see people are following your channel and when people like your videos. Not only does it feel good, it also gives you more energy to create and publish videos. It also helps because your videos will rank a bit higher and will be seen by more people.
So a few days ago I started to wonder what Perl-related channels and playlist are out there and if I could ask you, the readers of this newsletter to help the creators of those channels? The result is the Perl on YouTube list.
Now I'd like to ask for your help: Check out the list and follow as many of the channels as you don't mind.
Enjoy your week!
Gabor Szabo
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
The major YouTube channels featuring Perl-related videos. Go and follow them!
by Dave Rolsky (DROLSKY)
The tools mentioned are: tidyall, pre-commit, lefthook, husky, overcommit, and precious.
Perl Weekly Challenge
The Perl Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out from your comfort-zone. You can even win the prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month among all the contributors of the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
Raku Solutions Review by Laurent Rosenfeld.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
Raku Solutions Review by Laurent Rosenfeld.
by Adam Russell
Adam solved the task completely with proper Linked List rule.
by Arne Sommer
Like always Arne made the task so simple and easy.
by Cheok-Yin Fung
Cheok-Yin shared LISP solution to the Linked List task, interesting.
by Colin Crain
Colin first attempt to blog about his work. Nice attempt.
by Dave Jacoby (JACOBY)
In his second blog of the week, Dave shared his idea of proper Linked List solutions. Cool solutions.
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
Choroba created handy little package to solve the Linked List task. Interesting.
by Jared Martin
Jared style of blogging is really unique. Please check out yourself.
by Javier Luque
Javier attempted with full blown Mouse-based package solution to Linked List task.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
As always Laurent shared multiple solutions to each task. Highly Recommended.
by Luca Ferrari
Our last month champion, Luca, shared his Raku magic.
by Shahed Nooshmand
Shahed once again came up with coolest one-liner in Raku.
Perl Tutorial
A section for newbies and for people who need some refreshing of their Perl knowledge. If you have questions or suggestions about the articles, let me know and I'll try to make the necessary changes. The included articles are from the Perl Maven Tutorial and are part of the Perl Maven eBook.
by Derek Banas
Recommended by Batman.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
In this playlist I have a bunch of interviews with Perl developers.
Weekly collections
Online Events
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
As all the in-person events are cancelled many groups started to organize on-line events.
Instead of the in-person Perl Conference, the TPF started to organize an even in the Cloud. You can already submit your talk proposals!
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!