Perl Weekly
Issue #460 - 2020-05-18 - Online Perl Resources
latest | archive | edited by Mohammad Sajid Anwar
Hi there
Recently someone shared the link to GitHub repository that holds virtually every possible online Perl resources. I was pleasantly surprised to see Perl Weekly Challenge listed as "Friendly Coding Competition". I am sure you will find the list very useful.
Curtis, shared open questions related to the Cor. Please do check out if you are interested in Cor.
Have you ever wonder how to estimate the level of your Perl mastery? Now you don't need to look anywhere, you can find the answer here. Please treat it as fun.
Last but not the least, stay home and stay safe. Enjoy reading the rest of the newsletter.
Mohammad Sajid Anwar
by Makoto Nozaki
Makoto annouced Areesha as Outreachy Intern, who is a Software Engineering student doing her bachelor’s from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
by Thomas Burette
Although the blog is quite old but the discussion is very relevant. It shows the power of Text::CSV that deals with CSV data without any issues.
Perl Weekly Challenge
The Perl Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out from your comfort-zone. You can even win the prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month among all the contributors of the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.
by Adam Russell
Adam Find Numbers solution is really interesting. Check it out.
by Arne Sommer
Arne blog shared variety of choices for each task. Highly Recommended.
by Cheok-Yin Fung
Check out how Cheok-Yin took the Find Numbers task to another level. Must Read.
by Colin Crain
Colin came up with great blog once again. Thought provoking analysis.
by E. Choroba (CHOROBA)
Choroba started very interesting discussion about Excel column and various CPAN modules related to the task.
by Jared Martin
Jared detailed analysis in unmatchable. Must Read.
by Javier Luque
Javier dealing weekly challenge with such an ease. Interesting take.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
You don't want to miss the Excel Column solution by Laurent. Mind Blowing.
by Luca Ferrari
Luca packed plenty of Raku gems in one blog. Highly Recommended.
by Richard Park
Richard shared video of his contribution. Interesting move.
by Shahed Nooshmand
Like always, Shahed once again came up with clever one-liner in Raku.
Perl Tutorial
A section for newbies and for people who need some refreshing of their Perl knowledge. If you have questions or suggestions about the articles, let me know and I'll try to make the necessary changes. The included articles are from the Perl Maven Tutorial and are part of the Perl Maven eBook.
by Elizabeth Mattijsen (ELIZABETH)
Elizabeth showed how to build Raku module by picking up an idea borrowed from the blog.
Weekly collections
The corner of Gabor
A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.
Online Events
by Thomas Klausner (DOMM)
As all the in-person events are cancelled many groups started to organize on-line events.
Instead of the in-person Perl Conference, the TPF started to organize an even in the Cloud. You can already submit your talk proposals!
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!