Perl Weekly
Issue #469 - 2020-07-20 - United Perl Mongers
latest | archive | edited by Gabor Szabo
Hi there!
Now that Perl Monger meetings are virtual, people could much easily join each others meetings. Matthew Persico started a list of these events on a page. If you update that page, please also update the JSON file in the Perl Weekly repository so we can also announce the event. See the upcoming list of events at the bottom of the newsletter.
In other news, tomorrow I am going to talk to Rachael Bates who is a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) at Adobe. You are welcome to join us at this webinar
A week ago I created the Perl Maven LinkedIn page where I am sharing code-snippets, examples and explanations about various Perl constructs. I was surprised and quite encouraged to see that more than 100 people have already followed the page and they are also not shy to 'like' to posts that help them spread to even more people. It's like a virus, but a good one. Make sure you don't miss the fun!
Finally, don't forget to check out the job posts at the bottom of each edition!
Enjoy your week!
Gabor Szabo
by Matthew Persico
With encouragement Matthew Persico have started a wiki listing on-line Perl Monger events. He calls on you to add your events to the list. Even if they are not in English!
by Salve Nilsen (SJN)
A reminder that you might offer to pay opensource authors to maintain modules that your business depends on
by David Farrell (DFARRELL)
Todd Rinaldo has uploaded Larry's State of the Onion talk from YAPC 19100 to YouTube. Previously it was available in separate mp3 files, but this is much more accessible.
by Thibault Duponchelle
When we want to have a way to exchange files between machines, we often think about rsync, scp, git or even something slow and complex (looking at you Artifactory and S3), but the answer is often right in front of your eyes: FTP!
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
One of the ways you can improve your chances to get employed is by contributing to the Open Source code-base of a company before you apply for a job. On this page I've started to collect companies that have some Open Source code. A few of them even have Open Source Perl code.
by Dean Hamstead (DJZORT)
If you are on Facebook, this is an excellent chance to get a mentor to further improve your knowledge of Perl and to mentor others who are still behind you on the learning curve.
Perl Weekly Challenge
The Perl Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out from your comfort-zone. You can even win the prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month among all the contributors of the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.
by Colin Crain
Perl Solutions Review by Colin Crain.
by Arne Sommer
Arne comparison of Perl and Raku solutions is the main attraction. You don't want to miss it.
by Andrew Shitov (ANDY)
Andrew looking into every possibility to share the power of Raku.
by Andrew Shitov (ANDY)
Only Andrew can go to the extent of putting the graph to show the growth of generating 0/1 string.
by Colin Crain
Colin's ability of task analysis is unmatchable. Must Read.
by Javier Luque
Javier solution to Strobogrammatic Number task is very special.
by Laurent Rosenfeld
Laurent analysis of 0/1 String task is quite interesting. Checkout yourself.
by Luca Ferrari
Luca shares the power of gather/take of Raku. Must Read.
by Shahed Nooshmand
Shahed can never let you down with short and sweet blog with one-liner in Raku.
by Simon Green
Short and precise analysis of Strobogrammatic Number task.
Weekly collections
The corner of Gabor
A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.
by Gabor Szabo (SZABGAB)
Comparing the total number of people mentioning Perl in their LinkedIn profile to my 1st level contacts.
18:30 July 23, 2020 (America/Chicago UTC-5:00) (English)
18:00 July 29, 2020 (America/New_York UTC-4:00) (English)
19:00 August 11, 2020 (Europe/Amsterdam (UTC+2:00) (Dutch/English)
For many of our developers, 2020’s also been an exceptionally uncertain year. Lay-offs, furloughs, comapnies implementing strict cost-cutting measures. Wouldn’t it be nice to work for a company that’s actually been _growing_ during lockdown? Our client’s in a buouyant position, and they’re looking for someone like you to come and join them.
This pint-sized paradise has some of the oldest architecture in the world, incredible hikes that take you along their gorgeous coastline, and a vibrant cultural scene. And here’s the best part: our client is looking for a few good Perl Developers to join their team in Malta!
You can work anywhere in the world, so why not work somewhere world-class? Where better to spend your days (and nights) than a rapidly growing city known for having the planet’s only 7-star hotel, the tallest building in the world, and a shopping mall to put all others to shame.Did we mention it’s beautiful all the time? Sun, sand, stunning blue water and you!
There are plenty of perks to living in a big city—the nightlife, tons of amenities, and transportation to get you from A to B—but big cities often mean concrete jungles without much green space. Not so in Cyberjaya; this tech-driven city has a huge park, and it’s situated right next to Putrajaya, which has parks, wetlands, and botanical gardens. Ready for big city vibes with little town greenery?
You know, you could get the Perl Weekly right in your mailbox. Every Week. Free of charge!